As the world waits with bated breath to see the Avengers assemble next week, Marvel has gone all out with press junkets and interviews. In the latest story to break from the publicity machine, Scarlett Johansson has revealed that she will not appear in Iron Man 3 – but may well star in her own movie!

In an interview with Screen Rant, the actress revealed that Black Widow will not be making a return to the Iron Man franchise. While this may be disappointing to a lot of fans, it’s hardly surprising now that the superhero ensemble film is hitting screens. Her appearance in Iron Man 2 was used primarily to introduce movie-goers to her character and help flesh out the back story of the S.H.I.E.L.D. organisation. Since everyone is now aware of the whole team, franchise crossovers are likely to become a rarity except in possible Avengers sequels.

It wasn’t all bad news from Johansson, though. She also spoke about the potential for a Black Widow movie, and revealed that she had already entered talks with Marvel’s Kevin Fiege. The 27-year-old actress spoke about how she imagined the film could turn out, citing the Bourne franchise as one of the directions the character could take.

Check out video from the interview below!

Are you disappointed that we won’t be getting another dose of Black Widow? Would you watch a film centered around the character? We think it’s a great idea!