Superman actor Henry Cavill took to Instagram to tease a very special update to the Superman suit for the forthcoming Justice League movie.

Spoilers ahead for Batman v Superman if you’ve yet to see it.

At the end of BvS Superman is dead and buried (literally), but his return is basically inevitable. They wouldn’t permanently kill off one of the greatest superheroes of all time, especially with the Justice League film assembling its cast of characters and preparing for them to take on the next big threat.

But even though it was just a matter of time before Superman rose from the dead, fans have been speculating about the details. When and how would he return? And, more importantly, how would his return impact both him and those around him?

On Monday afternoon, Cavill posted a photo to his Instagram account giving us one more clue as to what could be going on with Superman in Justice League. Check it out below:


A photo posted by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill) on

Does that look a little monochromatic to you? Because it should.

It looks like Superman’s new suit won’t be blue, but rather it’ll be a steely shade of black.

For those of you who may not be familiar with all of Superman’s comic iterations, don’t worry about the creators going off the deep end with such a big change to the infamous red and blue costume. Superman has donned a black suit in an arc titled The Death and Return of Superman.

Kind of makes sense, right?

The arc shows the world’s reactions to Superman’s death, the rise of several new “Supermen,” and the original Superman’s eventual return.

Who knows how much of this arc we’ll be getting in Justice League, considering how much else will be going on in that movie with the gathering of superheroes to join forces, but it does look like Superman’s return will be a part of the story.

Are you excited about Superman’s updated suit for ‘Justice League’?