The pirates of Black Sails struggle in murky waters on land and at sea.

Captain Rackham

Jack Rackham seems to have gotten everything he wanted: a ship and no women to harangue him. On the other hand, things are a bit more complicated as he doesn’t exactly have navigation commands down, and he has to deal with another vessel moving in on his quarry.

Where Jack really proves his worth however, is in defeating the crew that co-boarded his catch. Jack is nothing if not the master negotiator who above all wants to save his own skin. Once he realizes that he will be humiliated if he gives in to the demands of the other crew he risks all to defeat their captain in one-on-one combat.

Billy returns

Billy Bones comes back among the men. He’s playing it cool for now, not revealing his inner thoughts of the murder of Mr. Gates to the men, but his taking his revenge on Flint has got to be on his mind. The two men assess each other more like sharks than old comrades. Neither is buying the other’s charade.

Anne’s vengeance

Hell hath no fury by a woman scorned is the understatement of the year when it comes to Anne Bonny. It’s hard to tell who she is more furious with: Max, Jack Rackham, or perhaps even herself. Anne’s murderous rampage is only just starting. What will she do next with the information that she gleaned? Will we perhaps see the rise of the first female captain?

Vane vs. Flint

These two giants want and don’t want the same thing. Each wants survival, a place where he prospers, and a life where looking over his shoulder isn’t constant. The difference is that Flint feels he can achieve this with a deal with England where their strength is shown. Vane, on the other hand, thinks this is a pipe dream. New Providence might be civilized, but he realizes that it will be over the dead bodies of all the pirates, not via a deal.

Max’s delusion

Max thinks she is safe from Anne. She believes that by acting like she has nothing to fear from Anne, she will be safe. She doesn’t understand everything Anne is doing, but she thinks she knows enough to be safe. One dead client and employee later, and Max is reevaluating that position.

Eleanor’s gamble

Our cliffhanger is Eleanor betraying Vane to take Abigail. Will she deliver Abigail to Flint? Will she ransom her, herself? Will she get caught?

Who do you think comes out ahead in the oncoming war on ‘Black Sails’?