Hot on the heels of a clip with Legolas last night, two more clips from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug depict Bilbo Baggins wondering if he should tell Gandalf about the One Ring.

After discovering the ring in last year’s An Unexpected Journey, Bilbo has been using it to help him in dire situations where a bit of invisibility can help him make an easier escape. In the clip below we see Bilbo about to tell and show Gandalf about his discovery and maybe even explain its acquisition from Gollum, but he ultimately decides against it.

Gandalf is visibly very curious about what Bilbo is about to reveal, and in trailers the scene is depicted as a fun one. This clip makes the moment more serious. We know that Gandalf and Bilbo don’t speak about it openly until The Lord of the Rings series, so perhaps this curiosity is foreshadowing Gandalf’s interest in what Bilbo eventually reveals.

In a second new clip, Thorin convinces the people of Laketown that entering the Lonely Mountain is a good idea. “All will share in the wealth of the mountain,” he promises. Also notable in this clip is the appearance of Stephen Fry who plays the Master of Laketown.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug arrives in theaters December 13. Hypable will be attending a press event today for the film and will have interviews to share next week.