Arthur Darvill who plays the Doctor’s companion Rory in the current season of Doctor Who has revealed that there are still surprises to come in the second half of the season. [US Fans – May Contain Spoilers]

Speaking to BBC the actor said that the discovery that he and Amy are the parents of River Song is nothing compared to what showrunner Steven Moffat has in store for us.

“I’m so excited about the second half of the series that’s coming up – what Steven has done is something quite brilliant – it’s really going to surprise people,” Darvill said.

Speaking about the shocking revelation at the end of the mid-season finale, A Good Man Goes To War, the actor said, “I forget what I can and can’t talk about, so I end up talking about nothing for hours – which has become quite a skill. My mum sent me a text straight after the episode saying, ‘Does this mean I’m Alex Kingston’s grandmother? The press have been really good at keeping things under wraps – otherwise it’s like watching a football match and knowing the result. I suppose it’s testament to the show that people care about it so much.”

The remaining six episodes of season six of Doctor Who are expected to air in the Autumn, with the opening episode Let’s Kill Hitler.