The houseguests have battled for the Power of Veto! Here are the highlights from Big Brother season 17, episode 4!

1. Backdoor plan

It seems like as time goes on, the house just gets more annoyed with Jace. Especially after his naked streaking in the back yard. A large group starts to form an alliance to get rid of him. Austin gets worried and tells Jace that he needs to figure out what’s going on with James.

2.Power of Veto competition

The players are James, Steve, Jackie, John, and Becky, and Steve uses a houseguest choice to bring on Jason. James also picks Austin to host the competition. The players have to go through an obstacle course and dig for gold nuggets with a letter to begin spelling a word. With a 12 point word, Steve wins the Power of Veto.

At the Power of Veto meeting Steve uses the veto to save himself. James names Jace as the replacement nominee as part of the backdoor plan.

3. Clay & Da’Vonne fight

Da’Vonne gets upset when Clay asks Jeff to look in on what she’s doing in a bedroom. Jeff manages to apologize without any trouble, but Clay gives Da’Vonne attitude and they end up arguing more. When Audrey asks Clay to give an actual apology, it makes Da’Vonne distrust both of them.

4.Have Nots

Slop, cold showers, and an uncomfortable room awaits the Have Nots. Liz, Austin, Vanessa, and Da’Vonne all get picked to be Have Nots for the week. The room is revealed and it’s dentist themed!

5.Audrey the sandman

At 5 a.m. Audrey decides that she needs more people in the alliance and starts snagging people out of their beds. It annoys James and Jason, who feel like Audrey is just taking control without asking their opinion. James is worried that the alliance is getting way too big. It also weirds everyone out that Audrey is bothering them in their beds. Especially Jeff, who calls her a sketchball.

What were your favorite moments from ‘Big Brother’ season 17, episode 4?