The week 4 Power of Veto competition has taken place! Here are the highlights from Big Brother season 17, episode 13 with video clips.

1. Audrey looses her allies

Audrey gets upset that Shelli threw her under the bus to Jason. Instead of talking to Shelli, Audrey tells James that Clay and Shelli need to be separated. Naturally James tells Shelli, and it looks like Audrey is officially the new target.

2. Whackstreet Boys

As part of their punishment for losing the Battle of the Block, John, Jason, and Liz have to dress up as a ’90s boy band and preform on command. At first the house goes crazy for the performances, but after a while it gets a bit tiring for everyone.

3. Power of Veto competition

Shelli, Jason, John, Vanessa, Meg, James (Jason’s houseguests choice) are picked to play in the Power of Veto Competition. In the competition the players have to watch a video showing a sequence of colored chemicals, they then have to answer questions based on those to pour their mix! Vanessa wins the Power of Veto.

4. Power of Veto meeting

At the Power of Veto meeting, Audrey decides not to participate. But the meeting has to go on without her. Vanessa decides to use the Power of Veto on Jason. Shelli names Audrey as the replacement nominee.

What were your favorite moments from ‘Big Brother’ season 17, episode 13?