The first houseguests of Big Brother season 17 have entered the house! Here’s all the top moments from Big Brother season 17, episode 1!

1. Three new twists

One we already knew about, BB takeover. The other two were a total surprise, a fan favorite twist and a secret that only the audience will know about. The fan favorite twist is the Battle of the Block is back! The audience secret is Twin Twist, one of the houseguests has a twin that no one knows about and they will be switching back and forth throughout the season.

2. Audrey reveals her truth

When everyone is doing the whole meet and greet thing, Audrey reveals to everyone that she is the first transgendered person on Big Brother. Everyone is shocked and thinks that it’s amazing. She gets a round of applause.

Later, Audrey reveals that her family is really conservative. This led her family to send her to a troubled youth camp. But later they actually began to communicate with her about it and they’re close now.

3. Girls alliance

Audrey is the first person to bring up worries about the guys taking over the Big Brother house. Audrey, Shelli, and Da’Vonne tip toe over the idea for a bit, but decide that they could all be really strong players. Da’Vonne is the first one to say the actual word “alliance.” They form a day one alliance and make a promise to keep it a secret. The question is, will the alliance last? For now it looks like Audrey might be the ring leader of this group.


4. Da’Vonne sits out from the first HOH competition

Trying to save herself from being nominated the first week, Da’Vonne volunteered to be the one to sit out from the HOH competition. Everyone agrees that it’s fair for her to be left out of nominations. But she could be setting herself up for disaster.

5.Head of Household competition

Seeing the houseguests splattered with tomatoes was amazing. Even better was seeing James surprise everyone with how well he preformed. The last four people all fell off at the same time, but James was in the lead. An instant replay showed that he was also the last person to touch the floor. Which means that James is the first Head of Household this season.

What were your favorite moments from ‘Big Brother’ season 17, episode 1?