Big Brother season 16, episode 27 just finished airing and the week 9 nominations have taken place! Read our recap to find out what happened.

Nicole is excited to be back in the game. Before leaving, Hayden whispers in her ear to target Derrick and Cody. The Detonators aren’t glad to see her back, but Donny sure is.

Donny fills Nicole in on how he won the Battle of the Block the previous week when Christine tried to throw it. Victoria watches on as they talk and runs off to tell on them.

Derrick tells everyone how Donny and Nicole will be the targets for the week. He knows that Donny has been trying to get the others to turn on him. So he tells them that none of them are to be alone with Nicole.

Caleb shows off his ninja skills to the house. Victoria ends up being his main target for ninja attacks. The best part is when he tries to do a bicycle kick and falls right on his behind.

The Head of Household competition is boxing themed and is six rounds. They must figure out what day an event happened on and punch their dummy the correct number of times. The last fighter standing will become the HoH.

Round 1: Nicole is eliminated
Round 2: Victoria is eliminated
Round 3: Christine is eliminated
Round 4: Caleb is eliminated
Round 5: Derrick is eliminated
Round 6: Donny is eliminated

Caleb wins and is made Head of Household for week 9.

Donny and Nicole talk about the results and say they don’t trust Cody, they’re sure that they will be put up.

Cody shows off his new HoH room, which features his parents’ wedding picture and a picture of his siblings. Afterwards, Nicole goes to talk to Cody and says she feels alone. He tells her that Donny is the target and she says he needs to make a big move in the game. It gets his wheels turning.

Later, Derrick goes to talk to Cody in the HoH room. He says that Nicole is a huge liability. However, Cody says he trusts Nicole more than Christine. Derrick agrees that Christine makes him nervous, and they think that she may be working with Frankie.

Cody, Christine, and Victoria drill Nicole about her relationship with Hayden. They are interested to hear things developed in the Jury house. But Nicole still denies that she and Hayden are a couple.

At night, Donny bursts into the HoH room while Cody is asleep. He wakes him up anyways and talks some game. Donny says that Cody is his only hope and tells him to think about who will be going after him. Cody again wonders about Christine and Frankie.

Derrick tries to tell Donny that Team America is important to him. But Donny knows that Derrick has lied to other house guests in the past and then voted them out. He doesn’t trust Derrick at all.

At the nomination ceremony Cody nominates Nicole and Donny. No surprise there.