Big Brother season 16, episode 21 just finished airing and the week 7 nominations has taken place! Read our recap to find out what happened.

Nicole freaks out after Hayden’s eviction. Donny manages to calm her down a bit. Caleb speaks some reason that she can talk about the eviction all she wants but people will just lie to her. She calls out Frankie and Christine for being in an alliance with Hayden. He denies it and turns it around on her.

Nicole’s words start to get the other Detonators thinking. Caleb and Zach wonder who Frankie is really aligned with.

The week 7 Head of Household competitions has the house guests reading an eye chart that’s actually questions they have to answer. Nicole and Christine come out on top making the former friends HoH for the week.

Nicole isn’t sure if she can trust Christine but decides to talk over their nominations. But Frankie interrupts them and says he wants to leave The Detonators and work with Nicole and Christine. He tries to talk the girls into nominating the other guys. Christine is not happy with Frankie for speaking for her.

Zach goes to talk to Nicole and says he’s mad at Christine and Frankie for being liars. Even though she doesn’t trust him she knows what he’s saying is true. She admits that she was in an alliance with Cody and Derrick. Now she’s wondering if she should work with Zach or not.

Next, Zach goes and tells Caleb that Frankie wants them targeted. He says Frankie is dead to him. Caleb is shocked. He goes and tells Derrick and Cody. They believe Nicole is telling the truth.

Playing damage control Derrick goes and talks to Nicole. He says that Zach has volunteered to go up on the block with Frankie and throw the competition. Nicole tells them that Frankie made her lie to Caleb about Amber. So Caleb says he’ll go up with Frankie instead.

At the nominations ceremony Christine reveals she nominates Donny and Zach. Nicole nominates Caleb and Frankie. Zach calls Christine and Frankie out for being liars.

Frankie tries to make amends with Zach but it doesn’t work. He refuses to talk to Frankie and Christine.

At the Battle of the Block competition the nominees must pull their balls up to the game board to receivers. Once ten balls are in place they win. Not only will the winners be safe but they will get to go watch a real football game.

Before the competition can start Frankie realizes Caleb is acting weird. Frankie tries to talk him out of it. But Caleb says he knows Amber is gone because of him. Caleb refuses to play and sits down.

Although Zach and Donny make a very good team Frankie manages to keep up with them. Half way through the game they get tied. So Zach decides to try by himself and it doesn’t go so well. Then they start to panic and Frankie pulls ahead. They tie again with 9 balls completed but Frankie manages to finish first.

That means that Frankie and Caleb are off the block and Christine is the sole HoH. Zach and Donny are still up for eviction.

Frankie reveals his plan to gain trust in the house is to reveal who his family is.