The second night of the Big Brother season 16 premiere just finished airing! Read our recap to find out what happened when the rest of the house guests moved in.

Julie introduces the last group of house guests for Big Brother season 16. Victoria plans to use her skills of manipulation to win. Caleb’s ability to switch from country boy to pretty boy might come in handy. Brittany is going to use the summer as a restart after leaving a ten year marriage. Christine is a Big Brother fanatic who wants to use her personal skills to win everyone’s trust.

Derrick is used to tricking others working undercover as a cop. Recent graduate Zach isn’t looking for friends and is ready to lie in order to win the game. Jocasta’s job as a minister might have her holding back from some of the more sinister methods to winning the game. Hayden wants to be friends with everyone and expects to be underestimated by the others.

The second group of house guests are shocked to learn that there is already a group in the house as well as an HOH already crowned. Jocasta, Hayden, Christine, and Caleb are the first of the second group sent into the house. They quickly meet the others already in the house.

Caleb is excited to meet the girls already in the house. Jocasta’s first concern is where to sleep. Meanwhile Hayden makes some new friends.

Zach, Derrick, Brittany, and Victoria are sent into the house next. Victoria is instantly drawn to Frankie and they click right away. Brittany is nervous to catch up with everyone. Frankie explains to everyone that they don’t really know what’s going on with the HOH yet. Derrick decides not to tell everyone that he’s a cop.

The sixteen house guests sit down in the kitchen to have a meet and greet. Afterwards, they explore the house. Frankie and Victoria decide to work together and he hopes she’ll win HOH too. Caleb tells Paola that he plans on winning HOH and has her worried. Derrick and Brittany bond over having children and missing them while being in the house.

Zach instantly starts rubbing the other house guests the wrong way with his abrasive attitude. Hayden wonders why Zach is being so rude to the HOH Frankie. But Frankie is okay with it because it makes his job of picking others to nominate for elimination easier.

The second group gets ready to compete for the role of HOH. In Over the Coals they must hold onto the bbq spit as it turns without falling off and the last left will win.

As the first group looks on, Victoria is the first to drop. When bbq sauce is dropped on the competing house guests Brittany slips off. Jocasta falls next, followed by Christine. Zach decides to throw it and falls, Derrick does the same.

It comes down to Caleb and Hayden who both cling on for dear life! Hayden feels his muscles start to give out while Caleb has no problems. Hayden gives in and slips off. Leaving Caleb as the second HOH of the season.

Everyone heads inside and Julie explains to the house guests that every week two HOH’s will be crowned. Each will nominate two others for elimination. A new competition called the Battle of the Block will determine which duo is safe and which is up for eviction. And if the duo that the HOH nominated wins they will dethrone him/her meaning they could be evicted themselves.

Julie also announces the first member of Team America is Joey! For every mission that Team America accomplishes they will win $5,000. Joey promises to complete any mission that’s thrown at her.

What did you think of ‘Big Brother’ season 16, episode 2?

Photo Credit: Cliff Lipson/CBS