Tonight on Big Brother the Power of Veto competition will be held and on tomorrow’s live episode the third house guest will be evicted!

On the last episode of Big Brother, Nicole and Derrick settled into their new roles as the Head of Households — Derrick better than Nicole, who became paranoid the others in the house would start to target her. The pair ended up forming an alliance and decided to work together on choosing who to nominate.

They came up with a plan to get Devin out of the house through a back door eviction. Derrick was able to gain Caleb’s support and agreement to be nominated in order to throw the Battle of the Block.

Meanwhile, Devin decided to try to gain trust from others by coming clean about the Bomb Squad. But it wasn’t really a surprise to many of the other house guests and it only proved to make his former alliance members angry.

At the nomination ceremony, Nicole nominated Amber and Donny. Derrick nominated Caleb and Jocasta. He also made it clear to the rest of the house that Caleb had volunteered himself. Devin soon realized their plans and seemed annoyed he was denied the chance to possibly save himself. At the Battle of the Block, Caleb kept his word and threw the competition so that Amber and Donny were saved from eviction.

Team America also got their first task. They had to spread a rumor that one of the house guests was related to a past Big Brother contestant. After discussing it, Frankie and Derrick decided to tell the others that Zach is related to Amanda from season 15.

On ‘Big Brother’ season 16, episode 10 airing July 16:

“The Power of Veto competition is held.”

On ‘Big Brother’ season 16, episode 11 airing July 17:

“Another houseguest is evicted from the compound.”

Watch a preview from the episode below:

Where to watch ‘Big Brother’ online:

Fans can watch the Big Brother house guests at any time by purchasing the Live Feed option through CBS. Full episodes can also be watched online at the official CBS website.

The remaining ‘Big Brother’ season 16 house guests are:

Donny Thompson, Caleb Reynolds, Zach Rance, Brittany Martinez, Hayden Voss, Christine Brecht, Victoria Rafaeli, Derrick Levasseur, Amber Borzotra, Frankie Grande, Devin Shepherd, Jocasta Odom, Cody Calafiore, and Nicole Franzel.

Who do you want saved from eviction on ‘Big Brother’?

Photo credit: CBS