Will John or Becky be sent home this week? Here are the highlights from the Big Brother season 17, week 8 eviction episode.

1. Dead fish strategy

Becky is pretty upset about being up on the block still, and plans to fight to stay. John has the opposite planned, and wants to stay low. He’s confident that the twins and Austin will keep him safe. Lucky for John, the twins approach him about making an alliance.

2. Jury House

Shelli is at the jury house, and can’t believe when Jackie walks in the door. She’s shocked to hear that Steve won Head of Household and voted Jackie out. When Shelli learns that Steve thought Jackie was targeting him, it isn’t hard for her to guess that Vanessa was behind it. Both Jackie and Shelli hope Vanessa is evicted next.

3. Eviction

With a unanimous vote, Becky is voted out of the house. Speaking with Julie, Becky says she regrets being so direct about who her target was. She also thinks Steve might be the best player in the game. What Becky doesn’t know is that next week the first four jurors will have the chance to re-enter the house.

4. Head of Household competition

In Ready, Set, Whoa the houseguests have to compete in six races. The last one standing wins Head of Household for the week. The competition continues as the episode ends, so it won’t be announced until Sunday’s episode.

What did you think of the ‘Big Brother’ season 17, week 8 eviction episode?