Becky is in power and chooses her allies! Here are the highlights from Big Brother season 17, week 7 nominations.

1. Head of Household competition

The endurance competition has the houseguests sliding across ice to fill their bowls with liquid. The hardest part about the competition is not slipping and falling. Becky ends up winning and taking all three prizing including the Head of Household.

2. Becky choses her alliance

Before this week, Becky was able to play both sides of the house. But now that James, Jackie, and Meg seem to have a better shot their looking like good alliance members for Becky. Especially after the big fight in the house.

Becky wants to put up Shelli and Steve, and tell everyone that the plan is to get rid of Shelli. But really she wants to target Vanessa. She tells Meg, Jackie, and James that enough people are upset with Vanessa to get her evicted.

3. Becky spreads the plan

Becky decides to let Shelli in on the backdoor plan. She wants to win Shelli’s trust. Shelli says that she doesn’t want to throw Vanessa under the bus. But Becky lets Shelli know that Vanessa had no problem throwing her under the bus. She promises that Shelli is not the target but wants her to act upset.

No surprise, Vanessa goes up to the Head of Household room later and agrees that Shelli should go home. Later, Becky tells John who is more than happy with the plan.

4. Nominations

At the nomination ceremony Becky puts up Shelli and Steve.

What were your favorite moments from the ‘Big Brother’ season 17, week 7 nominations episode?