Ellen Page’s Beyond: Two Souls is a dangerous ride through a psychic Hell. Watch the amazing 35 minutes of gameplay shown at the Tribeca Film Festival.

Life on the streets is rough for Jodie, the down-on-her-luck character Ellen Page voices/motion captures for. In the first couple of days with a band of other homeless people, she fends off punks with a bat, helps to deliver a baby, and saves her friends from a blazing building.

Watch the full 35 minutes of the compelling gameplay below.

An exciting theatrical trailer for the game was also released at the Tribeca Film Festival. The trailer is epic, and spans amazing looking locations, such as a desert and busy city.

More details about Jodie’s past are revealed through this trailer. It seems as though her father was abusive towards her in response to her talking to her psychic friend, Aiden. Furthermore, in the gameplay, she states that she learned how to fight from her time “in the military.”

The official synopsis for the game reads as follows:

Born with a connection to a mysterious entity with incredible powers, Jodie was different. In an adventure spanning 15 years of her life, your actions will determine Jodie’s fate as she faces extraordinary challenges, danger, and heartwrenching loss on a journey to discover the truth of who she is. ‘Beyond’ promises an emotionally-charged journey unlike any video game before.

Beyond: Two Souls will take 10 hours to complete, according to IGN. The game’s focus is on its narrative, hence justifying its demonstration at the Tribeca Film Festival.

We have to admit that after that gameplay and trailer, we feel emotionally connected to Jodie and her friends. If Beyond: Two Souls can draw us in that quickly, we can’t wait to see what the full game has in store.

Check out more footage of Beyond: Two Souls on the game’s official website.

Beyond: Two Souls releases on the PlayStation 3 on October 10, 2013.

Do you feel as connected to Jodie as we do? If not, cheek your feels, because they might be broken.