Following last week’s two-night premiere, Better Call Saul continues tonight with episode 3 titled “Nacho”.

As you can surmise from the title, Better Call Saul episode 3 will find Nacho’s role beginning to blossom after he made a tempting offer to Jimmy in episode 2: find the Kettlemen’s money and he’ll receive 10% of the cash, which totals well over $1 million.

Jimmy was against the idea because he wants to do right by the law (despite that scheme he formed with the skateboarding brothers), but as his list of clients dries up, he may have no choice but to make a quick buck tracking down the huge pile of money that the Kettlemen’s are hiding somewhere.

“Jimmy pulls out all the stops to prove that his dangerous client is innocent, even though it causes friction with Kim,” the synopsis for Better Call Saul episode 3 reads.

In this scene from “Nacho,” Jimmy is waiting by a payphone for his potential new partner to give him a call. When the phone rings Jimmy quickly answers but is greeted by silence on the other end.

Episode 3 will finally begin to explain how Jimmy and Mike come to work together. They had a close partnership in Breaking Bad, but these early episodes of Saul show the two acquaintances fighting over something as silly as paying for parking.

Better Call Saul airs Monday, February 16 at 10 p.m. eastern/pacific on AMC. As soon as the episode finishes airing, check back with Hypable for our recap of everything that went down in “Nacho”. Until then, check out our recap of episode 2, “Mijo”.

Ratings wise, the show had a strong debut in its post-Walking Dead slot last Sunday with 6.9 million viewers. That number dropped dramatically one day later for episode 2, with 3.4 million viewers tuning in. It’ll be interesting to see how many viewers tune in this week now that the initial excitement is gone. Stick around, everyone! This show is just getting started.

Related: Eight Breaking Bad characters we want to see on Saul