Every Star Trek series has had a fair share of kick-ass females. I would like to take this opportunity to share some of the Star Trek female characters that I love most.

This article was written by Hypable reader Chelsea.

Starting  with Star Trek: The Next Generation, I hope to be able to highlight women from every Trek series. There are, of course, many more in addition the few that I am choosing to focus on.

Commander Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden)

“Perhaps, someday, our ability to love won’t be so limited.”

The intelligent and confident Dr. Crusher managed to save lives, raise a son, and win arguments with Captain Picard while on board the Enterprise.

She never hesitated to go above and beyond to discover the truth, often risking her own safety to ensure the survival of others. Far from being just a pretty face, Dr. Crusher assisted in developing technology to assist defeat the Borg and reverse the Captain’s transformation into Locutus.

Dr. Crusher was always willing to hear the viewpoints of others, even permitting a radically experimental and potentially fatal procedure to be performed on Lieutenant Worf against her medical advice.

While her empathy for her patients sometimes caused some conflict concerning the Prime Directive, Dr. Crusher’s concern for the wellbeing of all living organisms is to be commended.

She eventually passed the bridge officer’s test and was put in command of the Enterprise on numerous occasions. Check out the Beverly-centric episodes “Remember Me” and “Suspicions.”

Lwaxana Troi (Majel Barrett)

“If we’re to be real friends, we’ve got to share only the truth.”

Say what you will about this daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed, but one thing is for sure – she did what she wanted regardless of anyone’s opinion.

Brought to life by the wife of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, there is no denying Lwaxana stole the show whenever she was onscreen.

As a government official, Lwaxana foiled assassination plots and outwitted Ferengi kidnappers.

While some may consider her an over-sexualized throwaway character, you have to give her credit for taking full control of her own body and her own desires (damn the comfort of anyone else). Check out the Lwaxana episodes “Haven” and “Half a Life.”

Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg)

“Human intuition and instinct are not always right. But they do make life interesting.”

Best known for wearing a crazy hat and giving insightful advice, Guinan always had something funny or wise to say when the Enterprise crew came knocking.

Apart from being tight with Mark Twain and Captain Picard, she scoffed at Starfleet regulation by keeping illegal spirits secreted away for special occasions.

Sage counsel aside, Guinan could kick Worf’s butt on the phaser range and wasn’t afraid of stabbing Q with silverware.

Some of crew’s most difficult decisions were made with the help of Guinan’s guidance, including the case deciding Data’s status as a sentient being and Wesley’s choice to stay on the Enterprise following Dr. Crusher’s departure. Check out Guinan in “Q Who” and “Yesterday’s Enterprise.”

Please sound off about your favorite female characters from Star Trek and episodes where you felt that they really hit the mark!