Amid casting controversy for Marvel’s next box-office hopeful, Doctor Strange, actor Benedict Wong speaks out about his role in the upcoming film.

Doctor Strange has been facing some vocal backlash due to its casting choices, namely the fact that the role of the Ancient One, a character who is typically portrayed as Asian, went to Tilda Swinton. Upon viewing the first trailer for the film, Hypable staff writer Donya Abramo had a lot to say about the wider problem of Asian representation in Marvel’s various films and television shows.

The widespread outcry prompted Marvel to release a statement about the issue, and Director Scott Derrickson also released a comment, stating, “I am listening and learning.”

So it is with cautious optimism that we take news of Benedict Wong’s role in Doctor Strange having been updated. According to Den of Geek, the actor’s character, Wong, will be slightly different than how he is portrayed in the comics.

In comic book form, Wong is a sidekick and valet, who also happens to be a skilled fighter. “I’m certainly not going to be the tea-making manservant,” Wong says to Den of Geek. “We’re heading in a different direction. He’s more of a drill sergeant.”

For better or worse, the actor also says his character won’t have any martial arts to do in the new film, reiterating he’s more of a drill sergeant than anything else. “He’s one of the masters of sorcery,” Wong also adds.

This new direction will, hopefully, keep the character away from filling a stereotypical role within the movie. Then again, fans might not like the change in character if it departs too much from the source material.

As for us, we’ll just wait until November 4, 2016 when Doctor Strange hits theatres in the U.S. The film will certainly have to wow its audiences, however, if it wants to work past the early controversy.