The animated Beauty and the Beast is one of the most beloved Disney movies and was incredibly formative for those of us who grew up to become book-loving adventure-seekers.

However, when the live-action Beauty and the Beast movie hit theaters, it landed with mixed reviews among fans. Some loved seeing their favorite Disney princess on screen (especially since it was Emma Watson portraying her), while others didn’t quite think it lived up to expectations.

This movie has some gorgeous, classic songs, so we just have to ask — how do the Beauty and the Beast songs compare between the live-action 2017 film and the original 1991 animated feature?

The ‘Beauty and the Beast’ soundtrack: Which is better?


Beauty and the Beast (1991) vs. Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Winner: Beauty and the Beast (1991)

It’s hard to beat the opening number of the original Beauty and the Beast film. I know not everyone likes Emma Watson’s voice, but I think it’s sweet, even if it doesn’t quite compare to Paige O’Hara’s. Still, “Belle” is so classic that there was going to be very little chance for the 2017 version taking this one. Still, seeing all the villagers singing and going about their daily business in the live-action film was dynamic and exciting.

‘Belle’ (Reprise)

Beauty and the Beast (1991) vs. Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Winner: Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Even though this is a continuation of “Belle,” I think the live-action version does the reprise a little bit better for one single reason — Belle is much angrier about Gaston. Emma Watson sings with a fury that I really appreciate, and that little added “ugh!” at the beginning makes me so happy. She even slings the chicken feed with gusto as she hops down the stairs. Perfect.


Beauty and the Beast (1991) vs. Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Winner: Beauty and the Beast (2017)

I will fully admit that I am completely enamored with Luke Evans’ Gaston. He’s not a good guy by any stretch of the imagination, but there’s just something about him that makes you want to like him. His charisma and charm are seductive. Josh Gad also make the perfect LeFou, and this number in the live-action film provides a little more energy and fun than the original.

‘Be Our Guest’

Beauty and the Beast (1991) vs. Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Winner: Beauty and the Beast (1991)

This is the one song in the live-action film that I was actually disappointed in. Ewan McGregor is great, but he doesn’t quite capture the spark of the original Lumiere. The newer take on the song also doesn’t have as much energy as the original, and for such an iconic song, that truly is a shame. There’s also a lot going on in the background while Emma Watson is watching this performance unfold before her, and it’s just too much to take in all at once.

‘Something There’

Beauty and the Beast (1991) vs. Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Winner: Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Out of all the songs on this list, “Something There” was the hardest to choose between. Both versions are sweet and gives us a beautiful montage of those moments that led these two characters to fall in love with each other. I prefer Dan Stevens’ voice as the Beast, which is the only reason why the live-action film won this song. I also love the moment in the remake where the Beast actually does hit Belle in the face with a giant snowball.

‘Beauty and the Beast’

Beauty and the Beast (1991) vs. Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Winner: Beauty and the Beast (1991)

I love Emma Thompson, I really do, but I prefer Angela Lansbury’s speaking and singing voice for Mrs. Potts. It’s got a sweeter, gentler tone that feels like a warm hug. You can truly see the love developing between all these characters, whether it’s a romantic bond between Belle and the Beast or a familial bond with Mrs. Potts and all the other characters. If “Something There” was the start of this connection, then “Beauty and the Beast” is confirmation that it’s all real.

‘The Mob Song’

Beauty and the Beast (1991) vs. Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Winner: Beauty and the Beast (2017)

This might be my favorite song from the live-action Beauty and the Beast film, and there are several reasons why it’s a little more dynamic and exciting in the remake. First, you have Luke Evans. He has such a powerful presence, and he makes Gaston seem less slimy and more dangerous. As bad as this song is (they are trying to kill the Beast, after all), it’s so energizing, and the scene in the live-action movie gets me pumped up every time.

‘Human Again’ vs. ‘Evermore’

Beauty and the Beast (1991) vs. Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Winner: Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Both of these songs are great additions to the soundtrack, and it was pretty difficult to choose between them. “Evermore” is a beautifully sung tale of love and sorrow, that is equally charming and morose. Dan Stevens does an incredible job with the tune, but I have to give the winner to “Human Again.” It’s about what everyone will do once they’re no longer household objects, which lends some hope to an otherwise sorrowful tale.

What are you favorite ‘Beauty and the Beast’ songs?