Batwoman season 2, episode 9 picks up one month after Kate Kane’s funeral, with the characters having mourned the woman they loved and beginning the next step of their lives. Meanwhile, it’s revealed Black Mask has Kate.

For the first time, our beloved characters are moving on from Kate Kane on Batwoman season 2, episode 9. Unfortunately, little do they know Kate’s still alive in the bowels of Gotham, actively being tortured and waiting to be rescued.

Also, for the first time, Ryan truly gets to embrace being Batwoman. No longer held back by the idea of Kate Kane coming back to reclaim her mantle or the life-threatening kryptonite infection, it’s time to see what she’s made of, for real, and for Ryan to be Gotham’s one and only hero on the streets. But a surprise character has to give her a little perspective first.

‘Batwoman’ season 2, episode 9 review

To sum everything up, Batwoman season 2, episode 9 is what happens when true love is put into every word, every action, and every scene. Beautiful television is made when we aren’t forced to watch the writers trying to tell both sides of an issue, and instead they focus on showcasing the morally correct viewpoint and help to educate viewers.

Every character felt so alive, and for the first time this season, it felt like things were moving along. We’re finally seeing Ryan own being Batwoman, which she couldn’t fully do before when Kate’s return loomed over her. We’re seeing the other characters, Kate’s friends and family, mourn her and begin to move on, taking the next steps in their lives.

Though we, the viewers, know Kate is still alive, the characters don’t, so Batwoman is no longer held back by the mystery of Kate’s disappearance. It’s exhilarating to watch everything and everyone finally progress (or regress, in Alice’s case) in Gotham.

While, objectively, the entire season has been good, Batwoman season 2, episode 9 reinvigorated my love for this show and proved itself as the best show on The CW once again.


It’s no secret that my biggest issue with the season so far is that we haven’t really gotten to see Ryan thrive as Batwoman.

As soon as she donned the Batsuit, she was shot with kryptonite, which subsequently lessened her abilities as Batwoman. Ryan had to fight the kryptonite while stopping multiple baddies in Gotham, which definitely proved she’s a hero through and through, but ultimately meant that we couldn’t see Ryan at her full potential.

Another factor was Ryan couldn’t really get comfortable with her new role because of the active search for Kate and inevitability that Kate would take the Batsuit back. Though it’s about to get complex, now we get to see Ryan make the suit and the Batcave her own on Batwoman season 2, episode 9 and beyond, which is going to be significant if and when Kate actually returns.

I’m excited to actually see Ryan get a villain that personally impacts her. Safiyah was not the best villain to start Ryan’s story with because there was simply no connection. Even though Black Mask is now only directly tied to Ryan through Angelique after Batwoman season 2, episode 9, his actions in Gotham directly impact everything Ryan is fighting for.

Black Mask is getting Ryan to prove how she wants to change Gotham as Batwoman, as we got a glimpse of at the end with her declaration of plans to build a community center for Gotham’s youth. Ryan is going to do what Bruce Wayne never could: Deliver real change to better Gotham now and forever.

Her unique viewpoint as someone who grew up on the streets of Gotham is instrumental in everything Ryan does as Batwoman, which is something I did not expect to love as much as I do. It’s a comic book show, but it feels real, which is something the others are often missing.

As for Angelique: Bye, girl! Hopefully Angelique taking the fall for the murder of Commissioner Forbes will keep her away for a while, so Ryan can do some soul-searching and realize that Angelique is all wrong for her. There’s always going to be something Angelique does that drags Ryan down with her. It’s understandable how strongly Ryan feels for Angelique, but this relationship isn’t one I want to see continue.

Ryan’s future on Batwoman looks bright from here, and I could not be more excited to see what’s next.

The Bat Team

One aspect of Batwoman season 2, episode 9 that I particularly loved is that we’re seeing the dynamic between Ryan, Mary, and Luke come together before our eyes. It’s been a struggle to see the back and forth between them about how to handle situations, given that Ryan is the one out on the streets and their leader.

I’ve been dying to see more of Mary and Luke’s perspective on how the Bat Team should operate, and it’s so enjoyable to watch them delve into the issues that come with it that are so often glossed over, especially on other Arrowverse shows.

Kate and Luke got along well rather quickly, and even though there was some trouble, Kate did what she wanted, always. I like that we’re seeing Luke and Mary’s opinions strongly considered by Ryan, and that we’re seeing Luke and Mary question Ryan’s decisions and how to handle it. This is just the beginning of a beautiful team that I hope we see for years to come. (Plus, I’ll never be over how amazing it is to see a Bat Team consisting of all POC.)

Sophie and Jordan Moore

In what is probably the most surprising or unexpected character introduction, Batwoman season 2, episode 9 introduces us to Jordan Moore… Sophie’s previously unmentioned little sister, who is a passionate activist. Given Sophie is second-in-command at the Crows, it’s clear these sisters could not be more different.

Jordan Moore, after one episode, has already changed the trajectory for the future of the series. She’s continuously called out Sophie for being an active member of such an oppressive force, while calling out Batwoman for not doing enough to actually save the city.

What Jordan says to Ryan is an interesting viewpoint of Batwoman’s activities that I had not considered before. Taking bad guys off of the streets doesn’t necessarily clean them up, it just causes others to take their place because Gotham is too poisoned with this activity to escape it. Change needs to come, but it needs to start with the younger generation that often finds themselves wrapped up in dangerous situations with Black Mask’s False Face Society or even Alice’s Wonderland gang.

The messaging of Batwoman season 2, episode 9 was just incredibly well done, and Jordan is clearly a character created with such love and passion for those like her who are fighting the good fight. I hope we see her again, especially because her relationship with Sophie is such a breath of fresh air.

As for Sophie, her future is intriguing. She seems to be really coming to terms with how corrupt the Crows are, and it finally seems like she can no longer justify the Crows’ actions to herself. With the death of Commissioner Forbes comes a special election for someone to take his seat… could it be Sophie? That would certainly be a way for her to use her skills to actively fight for real justice in Gotham, now that she’s realizing Jacob Kane is not someone she wants to be tied to when the Crows fall.

(Plus, what was that enemies-to-lovers line with Ryan? Is romance really coming for them, now that Angelique and Kate are, at least temporarily, out of the picture?)


Poor Alice. It’s devastating to see her back at the Cartwright farm of her own volition, but it shows just how screwed up her emotional state is. Never did I think I would see a character’s hallucination point out that they were going through a psychotic break because they don’t know how to healthily process emotions, but nothing is out of bounds for Batwoman.

After losing Kate “for real,” Alice doesn’t know how to cope or process something so traumatizing without creating her own little world to exist in. Little Kate showed her that, while also finding a solution: Forget Kate existed and you won’t be sad. Considering Alice should have no trouble to do that, what exactly is to come for her?

Losing her memories of Ocean took away some of her humanity before she returned to Gotham as a cold-blooded killer, so what would losing her memories of Kate do? That’s always been her primary tie to her humanity, giving her reason to keep going. If she forgets Kate, would there be anything but a monster left within?

Plus, what does this mean for Kate’s inevitable return? If both twins forget each other, as Enigma is taking away Kate’s entire identity, how will they reunite? Especially when Kate has a new face upon her return? Here’s hoping for some twin magic making them remember.

‘Batwoman’ season 2, episode 9 final thoughts

Batwoman season 2, episode 9 is a game-changer for everyone. Black Mask is proving himself to be a vicious threat, and it’s going to take all of these characters teaming up to take the False Face Society down. We’re already getting Sophie teaming up with Ryan’s Batwoman, which makes me hopeful that Sophie will be brought in on the secret later this season once she’s parted ways with the Crows.

Though it was quite a short scene, I loved watching Mary and Ryan just hang out and have breakfast together. Their relationship is so beautiful, and they seem to becoming the sisters they always wanted. I hope we get more scenes like that of them at home, bonding. Little moments like that are worth watching.

Every development on this episode made me incredibly excited to see what’s to come during the back half of the season. There’s so much potential now that we’re moving away from the mystery surrounding Kate and the entire island of Coryana. (While Safiyah is sure to come back into play at some point, it’s nice to have a break.)

What a fantastic episode of television to watch. Universe, please deliver my special thank you to the writers of the episode: Nancy Kiu and Maya Houston.

Batwoman returns April 11 at 8 p.m. ET on The CW!