On Batwoman season 2, episode 8, Alice heads to Coryana with her fake body in tow to trick Safiyah into handing over Kate. Meanwhile, Ryan’s time on this Earth is running low, leaving her only one option.

Batwoman season 2, episode 8 finds Ryan on the brink of death, considering what her options are and relying on those around her to help find the cure to her wound. Meanwhile, Alice faces Safiyah after Tatiana revealed the truth of her time on Coryana, leaving her a difficult decision to make.

Batwoman season 2, episode 8 isn’t the most surprising episode, but the events of the season so far come together to produce an entertaining and satisfying episode (which is exactly what television should be).

‘Batwoman’ season 2, episode 8 review

Batwoman season 2, episode 8 brings the arc to a satisfying conclusion, teasing quite an interesting back half of the season. So much character development has happened over these episodes, particularly in the last two. While I’m sure we haven’t seen the end to the Safiyah story, that seems to have been cut off in a good place, for now, with twists and revenge to come.

Season 2 started off incredibly strong, but faltered a little around episodes 4-6. However, these last two episodes have proven that this is still one of the best shows on The CW. So much has changed now, following this episode, that things are likely going to look a little different going forward. Personally, I’m most excited to see how this turn of events changes Ryan and Alice.


If one person has changed the most over the course of the season, it’s Alice. Batwoman season 2, episode 8 promises Alice the chance to find and kill her sister, just as she’s been planning. But before she finds Kate, Alice (with some help from others, including Ryan) begins to question what she actually wants from her sister.

It’s intriguing to see this twist of fate play out. We saw how Beth’s disappearance changed Kate, for better or worse, and how desperately she wanted to find her sister. Now, we’re seeing the lengths Alice will go to in order to find Kate, and just how devastated she actually was when Safiyah lied and got her hopes up.

Rachel Skarsten is such a phenomenal actor, I could not see anyone doing this story for Alice justice like she has. The pure rage and desperation in Alice’s screams when she learned how Safiyah manipulated her was Emmy-worthy, let’s be real. It’s such an emotional moment, as we’re teed up for a heartwarming reunion, only for that illusion to be shattered by Safiyah’s cruelty. Moments like this are why I love Batwoman.

Pair this devastation over Kate with Alice’s lingering feelings for Ocean, and it’s a recipe for some kind of redemption. Though I don’t know that Alice could truly ever be “good,” she’s on her way to a much different headspace where she may actually consider her actions beforehand. Alice has the potential to become “Red Alice” from the comics, her anti-hero persona, and operate in a morally grey way, helping Batwoman along the way (even if they don’t always agree on the required action to take).

After everything Alice did to lead her to Kate, and the emotional turmoil she went through to discover that Kate wasn’t there, I wonder how Alice is going to react when she learns what Mary and Luke were told. If she thinks her sister is dead, what path will Alice take? Will she try to honor her sister and become a better person, or will she go mad with grief?

Alice’s arc is far from over, yet more exciting than ever. Learning Kate is dead, then learning she’s alive again will cause so much internal strife for Alice. She may end up an entirely different person at the end of Batwoman season 2.

Ryan’s imminent death

After seven episodes, Ryan finally has a cure for her kryptonite wound on Batwoman season 2, episode 8… and it was in front of her the entire time. Ryan’s plant is going to save her life, which is truly beautiful and completely unexpected, yet it makes perfect sense. I cannot believe I never suspected that Ryan’s plant could be the desert rose.

What I’m most excited to watch after this experience is how Ryan changes after nearly dying. How will this make her reconsider various things in her life, including her relationship with Angelique and role as Batwoman? What has Ryan learned from this, and will now apply to the rest of her life?

Just as I expect Alice to be quite different after these episodes, Ryan could drastically change, too. She’s been through hell in her short time as Batwoman, and there’s clearly more to come. Plus, believing Kate Kane is dead will allow Ryan to finally get comfortable in the role, as she won’t be waiting for the other shoe to drop and this opportunity to be taken away from her. How will that change how she conducts herself as Batwoman?

Ryan’s relationship with several of the characters has now changed after Batwoman season 2, episode 8. Particularly with Alice, whom she saw a different side of. She saw that Alice is a victim, and that’s how she’s turned into the person she is today. It’s not an excuse, just the truth. But it seems like Ryan is beginning to see something that only Kate has been able to see in Alice thus far.

The other biggest change for Ryan is with Sophie. Sophie, of course not knowing it was Ryan Wilder, sat with Batwoman as she lay dying, forging some kind of bond between the two. For those who want Ryan and Sophie to eventually get together romantically, I’d say this was a win, even though there is surely more conflict to follow until Sophie stops working for that fascist Jacob Kane.

(Also, I’m very interested to learn how Angelique managed to get her hands on the desert rose. Was it dumb luck… or something more?)

The return (and recasting) of Kate Kane

In an entirely unsurprising twist at the end of Batwoman season 2, episode 8, we discovered that Safiyah never, in fact, had Kate on Coryana. (Who didn’t see that coming?) And in the final few seconds of the episode, we see a terribly injured and potentially faceless Kate in the sewers of Gotham, meaning she’s likely been right under everyone’s noses since her plane went down.

With the return of Kate Kane comes the news that Wallis Day will be replacing Ruby Rose.

Honestly, I believe it’s entirely too soon to bring Kate back into the show (even though it’s clearly too late for that now). The last seven episodes have continued to feel like Kate’s story, not leaving much room for Batwoman to feel like Ryan’s story, as it now should considering she’s the star and Gotham’s hero.

The mystery of what happened to Kate has devoured every moment of the season. Everything has revolved around Kate in one way or another, even much of Ryan’s story. I stand by my opinion that Kate’s disappearance should have been treated like Bruce’s was at the beginning with a time jump so the characters, while missing Kate, weren’t obsessed with finding her anymore.

Because this season has still been completely focused on Kate, we haven’t even really seen Ryan get a chance to be Batwoman. In the beginning, she struggled, like every new hero does. Then, she was immediately poisoned, and because of this she hasn’t been able to operate at her full potential yet. She’s handled quite a lot despite having a life-threatening wound, showing she’s a true hero. But she hasn’t gotten a chance to shine on her own.

With the recasting news and our first glimpse at Kate, it’s clear that her story is going to continue being a huge part of Batwoman season 2. So what was the point of even reworking things for Ryan to take the lead to recast Kate only a few episodes into the season?

I fully expected Kate to return at some point, but it’s simply too early and unfair to Ryan, especially since many viewers have been unwilling to accept Ryan Wilder as the new Batwoman.

‘Batwoman’ season 2, episode 8 final thoughts

Batwoman season 2, episode 8 ends with the characters believing Kate to be dead after body parts with matching DNA were found, but we know that Kate’s actually alive… but how long can Kate survive in the terrible shape we see her in?

Despite my reservations about Kate’s early return, it will certainly be interesting to see this story play out. In an interview with showrunner Caroline Dries, she confirms that Kate will return this season, leading Ryan to a crisis of confidence as Batwoman. So how long will Kate actually be gone now that she has a new face?

It sounds like Kate’s story will now actually progress on-screen, at the same time as we watch Ryan continue to be Batwoman without the kryptonite infection bringing her down. The question is: Does Batwoman have room for both of these characters?

I expected more of Mary and Luke alone together back in Gotham on Batwoman season 2, episode 8, but it is always so fun to watch those two attempt to do anything. They’re so funny together, and it doesn’t feel like forced comedic relief when we get scenes of just the two of them. The comedic element feels entirely natural, which is rare for a superhero show.

However, I wonder when things will progress romantically between Mary and Luke. That seems to be the ultimate endgame for their relationship, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see that for a while. There’s enough going on in their lives right now… but that could also be what brings them together, maybe?

Also, can we just take a moment to appreciate Julia’s “Who the bloody hell is that?” quip seconds before plunging a knife into someone’s chest with no hesitation? I want more of Julia Pennyworth, please.

Batwoman continues Sunday at 8 p.m. ET on The CW!