Those of you that stayed behind after The Avengers finished rolling were in for a treat when a major Marvel character made a surprise appearance.

In an awesome interview with Slashfilm, Joss Whedon opened up about the final scene of The Avengers (the one that doesn’t involve Shawarma), that it was his idea to put it there, and what it could possibly mean for the continuation of the series.

He for me is the most powerful and fascinating Marvel villain. He’s the great grand daddy of the badasses and he’s in love with death and I just think that’s so cute. For me, the greatest Avengers was THE AVENGERS annual that Jim Starlin did followed by THE THING 2 in 1 that contained the death of Adam Warlock. Those were some of the most important texts and I think underrated milestones in Marvel history and Thanos is all over that, so somebody had to be in control and had to be behind Loki’s work and I was like “It’s got to be Thanos.” And they said “Okay” and I’m like “Oh my God!”

With the introduction of the nine realms in Thor, it certainly seemed that Marvel was eyeing a more cosmic world. Marvel producer Kevin Feige confirms these suspicions.

I wanted to get cosmic and did with THOR and told him that we wanted it to be aliens, that a portal opens in New York and aliens pour out, because the cosmic cube opened a portal. Who they were, what they were, and how they interacted was all Joss and Joss is a huge fan of Thanos.

What do you think? A Guardians of the Galaxy film is said to be in production, but with Avengers looking likely to occupy 2015, would it be possible to release the film by then?