Avengers Assemble…at a Target or Wal-Mart near you.

Although we’ve known for quite some time that we would see The Avengers in stores well before the Christmas season, this is the first time that we’ve received an official Disney approved list of the features that we’ll receive with each individual package.

The trailer for the official 10-disc 6-movie Blu-Ray Phase 1 hibbledeedoo, came online two days ago, but now we have, in plain black and white, what we can expect from the DVD, the Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack, and the 4 disc combo pack that we can only assume will be called the “fully assembled” set.

First though, let’s share the DVD trailer that will probably make you go to the dollar theater down the street just to catch the bohemeth again.

Awesome right? Now what you’ve been waiting for-

4-Disc Combo Pack (Blu-ray 3D+Blu-ray+DVD+Digital Copy)
Bonus Includes:
Second Screen
Assembling the Ultimate Team
A Visual Journey
Gag Reel
Deleted Scenes
Audio Commentary—With Joss Whedon
Soundgarden Music Video—“Live to Rise”
And more!

2-Disc Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD)
Same as the 4-Disc Combo Pack above

1-Disc DVD
Bonus Includes:
Assembling the Ultimate Team
Audio Commentary—With Joss Whedon

Looks like those deleted scenes we told you about last month (if you were quick enough) will only be available on sets that cost more than thirty dollars.

What do you think? Which set will you be laying down your hard-earned cash for?