Marvel is all about building hype for Avengers: Endgame right now, so they assembled some of the Avengers to attempt an MCU-themed escape room.

Marvel fans are all still talking about the events of Avengers: Endgame (even more now since the official spoiler ban was lifted by Marvel). And while we’re all working hard to cope with the losses suffered from the film, we can’t forget that ultimately the MCU has brought us some amazing characters that take us on really fun adventures.

To that end, Marvel sent a few Avengers on a truly unique mission: finding their way out of an MCU-themed escape room. Benedict Cumberbatch, Letitia Wright, Anthony Mackie, and Sebastian Stan, aka Doctor Strange, Shuri, Falcon, and Winter Soldier all came together to overcome the Avengers escape room, and the results are just delightful.

While the group was in the escape room for almost the entire 45 minutes, Marvel whittled down their escape room antics to an approximately four-minute movie. The room demanded that our heroes not only decipher cryptic clues and riddles but also use their knowledge of the MCU to find their way out.

And let’s be honest, Doctor Strange might have mastery over time and space and all of that, but I think we all can admit that he brought some serious Sherlock skills to this escape room. Ultimately, the gang is able to find their way out (with the help of the occasional clue tossed out to them from Joe Russo) with about 30 seconds to spare.

It’s an adorable video, and it reminds us of the fun behind the MCU and the Avengers, even in the face of the heartbreak from Endgame. It also reminds us that while we suffered some big losses, there is still a lot of great stuff to be excited for in post-Endgame MCU films.

If you haven’t seen Avengers: Endgame yet, the movie is in theaters now.