In a new report concerning multiple Marvel films, including Avengers: Age of Ultron, we get some new details that reveal Ultron’s appearance, Black Widow’s new suit and Iron Man’s new armor.

JoBlo reports loads of new details concerning Avengers: Age of Ultron, with some fairly specific details concerning The Avengers’ sequel.

The report suggests that Black widow’s costume will get a makeover, which has a “Tron-style” suit, including blue lights that represent electricity flowing through her suit. She’ll now be able to sting people with electrical shocks or “widow’s sting” when she punches them. They hope to make her more of a superhero in this film, now that she’s surrounded by even more superheroes in the sequel.

Which is smart when thinking down the line, especially considering Marvel has said they’re interested in fleshing out Black Widow by creating a solo film around her.

The report then goes over Tony Stark’s new armor, which will feature less gold than it did in Iron Man 3, but “more than in The Avengers.” The reactor will return to his chest and will be circular in shape, as that’s what director Joss Whedon prefers, apparently.

The film will also feature the Hulkbuster armor, which is used to battle with the Hulk, but will most likely be used to battle Ultron at some point as well.

We revealed that Paul Bettany will be playing the Vision in the film and JoBlo reports that Bettany’s face will actually be used, but it will have a “metallic form, very shiny with gold, red, and green.” They also report that Vision will sport his signature yellow cape seen in the comics.

The report suggests that Marvel would have been concerned about such an outfit a few years back, but they believe that audiences are now willing to accept such a wild costume and we imagine they’re right. We look forward to Bettany’s performance, as he’s an incredible actor.

Ultron is where most of the mystery lies, with them stating that he “will be more than just a helmet.” Ultron is expected to have a fully articulated face, including motion capture from actor James Spader, which should add some personality to the robotic villain.

The armor will be similar in style to the weapon that Agent Coulson used to shoot Loki in The Avengers, which was apparently made from pieces of the Destroyer seen in Thor. This would mean that the armor will have a “red firelight underneath, giving him a kind of Balrog effect from Lord of the Rings.”

He will also have an army of drones at his side that will look similar to Ultron, without the “glowing red effect.” We’re actually very excited about his appearance, and Spader should do an excellent job portraying the main villain in the film.

The final detail concerning The Avengers is that they’ll be getting multiple upgrades to their suits and vehicles. Their Quinjet will be larger, with new suits and weapons to accommodate all of the Avengers.

They report that the Avengers’ tower will be very “Stark in nature,” which means we’ll be seeing something that is extravagant and representative of Tony’s personality. Their suits will also feature the “A” symbol, so we’ll be interested to see how they all fit together.

JoBlo’s report also has some new details concerning Ant-Man, so be sure to head over to their article to get the rest of the details from their Marvel scoop.

Let us know what you think of all the new details concerning The Avengers: Age of Ultron.