Two more (big) names have joined The Avengers: Age of Ultron, though their exact roles are still a mystery. Obvious spoiler warning!

Actor Idris Elba confirmed in a recent interview with The Telegraph that his character Heimdall and Tom Hiddleston’s character Loki recently shot scenes for the upcoming sequel to The Avengers, Age of Ultron.

Said Elba, “I’m in Avengers. And I’m doing a scene with Chris Hemsworth [Thor] and Tom Hiddleston.” He didn’t offer any more clues.

The topic came up when Elba was discussing his busy schedule.

No one was expecting Loki or Heimdall – two characters from the Thor universe – to appear in the Joss Whedon-directed film, so what gives?

Early speculation is that Loki and Heimdall will appear during a sequence involving the supernatural character Scarlet Witch (played by Elizabeth Olsen), who is capable of creating visions and alternating reality. Perhaps Scarlet Witch will force a vision on Thor. Meanwhile, Aaron Taylor-Johnson will play Quicksilver.

Fans will remember that Loki supposedly died in Thor: The Dark World before re-appearing under cover as Odin. One can assume that Loki will be back in the saddle for the recently announced Thor: Ragnarok which takes place after the events of Age of Ultron.

Given the wild popularity of Loki/Tom Hiddleston, we expect that his appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron will be well-received in theaters.

Last week Marvel announced the third Thor film as well as a slew of other Phase 3 titles. One of the highlights of the event was when Marvel head Kevin Feige announced that the Avengers finale will be a two-parter titled The Avengers: Infinity War, hitting theaters in May 2018 and May 2019.

How do you think Loki and Heimdall will appear in ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’?