The Avengers: Age of Ultron had a few Easter eggs, like many of Marvel’s movies, and director Joss Whedon didn’t let us down when it came to what we may be seeing in future Marvel films, including Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 & 2.

The Avengers: Age of Ultron premiered last night in the U.S., and many fans are headed to the theater Friday night to see Marvel’s latest movie. We’ve taken a look at the new movie and searched for any possible Easter eggs that could give hints towards any of their future movies, and other comic storylines.

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Related: Over analyzing The Avengers: Age of Ultron after-credits scene

Head over to the next few pages to get even more information about The Avengers: Age of Ultron’s Easter eggs and hints towards Marvel’s future movies. Let us know if you saw other Easter Eggs in Age of Ultron as well, as we’re sure there are quite a few more.

Check out page 2 to find out more about Wakanda, Peggy Carter’s dream date, The Falcon finding Bucky, and Andy Serkis’ role in Marvel’s future movies.

Wakanda will be explored in the future

Bruce Banner mentions Wakanda (struggling to pronounce it) in Age of Ultron and we see Ultron in the city of vibranium, obtaining the precious metal he needs to build the power source which would later lift the city for the movie’s finale.

Wakanda will become a fairly large part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as Black Panther will get his own solo film in 2017. The character is closely linked to the city and its precious metal, so we look forward to seeing more of the specifics explored.

Peggy Carter finally gets her wish

Cap finally got to dance with Agent Carter in his dream sequence when Scarlet Witch had literally everyone under her spell. He jumps back to the ’40s and dances with Peggy, who tells him that he should stop fighting and stay with her. Cap broke the spell, but it was a nice nod to the Agent Carter TV show, which stars Hayley Atwell as S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Peggy Carter.

This was a touching moment for all fans of Cap and Peggy, as they were pretty incredible on-screen in Captain America: The First Avenger. The fact that Agent Carter hasn’t been able to continue her role opposite Captain America has been one of the downfalls of him being in ice-coma for 70 years.

Missing Persons – The Falcon

When Captain America is talking to his good friend Sam Wilson aka The Falcon, he mentions that he’s working on missing persons cases, which could mean he’s looking for Cap’s old friend Bucky. Cap knows that Bucky is probably alive and in hiding, so maybe he’s tasked Falcon with finding him. Falcon ends up being called to arms at the end of the film, and it looks like he’ll be part of the Avengers moving forward.

Bucky may see his role expand in Captain America: Civil War, as Steve will want to find his good friend if Falcon finds out that he’s still alive. He and Steve are insanely close friends, and Cap was willing to give his life for him in The Winter Soldier, so we imagine that storyline will pick back up in future films if possible.

Ulysses Klaw will show up Black Panther

Andy Serkis’ character didn’t have nearly as much screentime as we imagined. The actor portrayed Ulysses Klaw, who is an arms dealer that should have a larger role in Black Panther as he looks for vibranium after losing his arm to Ultron. His scene was brief, but interesting, and Serkis is an incredible actor who we look forward to seeing Black Panther.

Serkis brings a new element to Marvel films, as he’s one of the geniuses behind motion capture CGI, but more importantly he’s a great actor. Marvel needs some good villains, as they have always struggled to find solid villains to pit against their heroes. Loki was truly the only great villain, and he’s all but used up. We look forward to seeing what Andy Serkis does with his villainous character in Black Panther.

Check out page 3 to find out more about Pepper Potts and Jane Foster missing from the movie, Thor’s dream sequence, The Vision, and Stan Lee’s cameo.

The girlfriends go missing

While we got a lot of relationship time with Hawkeye and his wife (played by Freaks and Geeks star Linda Cardellini), and with Hulk and Black Widow, but Thor and Iron Man’s ladies were missing. Pepper and Jane were both mentioned though during the party at the beginning of the film, with Stark saying Pepper was too busy to party as she had a company to run, and Thor just tells us that “Jane’s in Africa.”

It seems to the two ladies weren’t able to make it into the movie. It’s a shame Portman hasn’t been able to join in on the fun, but with so many characters already, Whedon was probably finding it impossible to fit anyone else in. We hope that Paltrow or Portman will show up in any future Marvel movies, as they could use a female touch, but also because they’re two incredibly talented actresses and they would help bring some of the solo movies to a higher level.

Thor’s dream sequence

During Thor’s Scarlet Witch dream (read: nightmare), Heimdall chokes Thor out while having crazy white eyes. The Bifrost gatekeeper was apparently trying to tell Thor to look out for what was to come. We imagine this was part of why Thor kept flying off on his own adventures, and it could lead us into Thor: Ragnarok, where Marvel will probably have a lot of fun with new storylines.

Thor was one of the more interesting characters in Age of Ultron, despite flying off a couple times, and without Loki around he wasn’t being overshadowed by Tom Hiddleston’s excellent portrayal of the silver-tongued villain. Loki’s scenes were cut from the movie, but if anything it helped Thor finally shine.

The Vision is born, and holds one of the Infinity stones

A new Avenger is born in Age of Ultron. He goes unnamed in the film until Thor calls him The Vision when he mentions that “The Vision can keep the stone.” Meaning, he’s powerful enough to take care of the Mind Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones. He was apparently also worthy enough to wield Thor’s hammer.

We have to imagine The Vision will now play a major part in The Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 & 2, seeing as he now has one of the Infinity stones, which Thanos will be looking to obtain to complete his Infinity gauntlet, and he was a great addition to the team so we’re excited to see more of him.

Edited: An earlier version of this article suggested the character was never called by his actual name, we’ve edited the article to reflect that he was called The Vision by Thor near the end of the film at the Avengers’ new base of operations.

Stan Lee’s cameo gets carried out the building

Marvel comic legend Stan Lee was bound to have an appearance in Marvel’s biggest movie to date, and sure enough he had a cameo in film during a scene where the Avengers are partying and Thor breaks out some 1000 year-old Asgardian alcohol which isn’t for mortals. He and Cap drink a shot, and Stan Lee’s character says if he could handle storming the beaches of Normandy during WWII, he can certainly handle some of their liquor.

The next shot shows Stan being carried out because he can’t walk. It’s a hilarious scene for the legend, and a bit longer than his normal Marvel cameos. Stan Lee is 92 years-old now, so we hope to continue to see a few more cameos from the comic legend over the next few years.

Check out page 4 to see Iron Man’s worst nightmare, The Hulk flying out to sea, the New Avengers’ homebase, early signs of Civil War, and Thanos showing up in the after-credits scene.

Iron Man’s nightmare of the future

When everyone is getting a taste of Scarlet Witch’s mind control, Tony seems to get the scariest possible future. He literally sees his entire team dead in front of him. Maybe this is because he’s been seen having serious anxiety problems so his mind went straight to the worst possible outcome, or maybe that’s what the Avengers’ future looks like once Thanos gets involved.

Either way, this vision of the future was downright scary for Stark, and hearing Cap tell Tony that he could have done more to save them was chilling. But, the two will be at odds in Civil War, and this could be a very clear vision of where the Avengers are headed once Marvel heads into The Avengers: Infinity War Part 2.

The Hulk goes missing… in space?

The Hulk jumped on a quinjet during the ending of the final battle, and apparently decided he was better off staying far away from Black Widow. Since we don’t know if there will be a solo Hulk film, this could end up being a very important scene. We later see Nick Fury showing Natasha a computer screen which kind of shows where the Hulk’s quinjet fell into the ocean, but we could be looking at a possible Planet Hulk type of solo movie, which might even get him near the Guardians of the Galaxy if he’s lucky.

There’s always talk that the studio wants to do a solo Hulk movie, but it’s always been a difficult task in the past. Hulk works incredibly well in The Avengers’ films, and unless they find a great story to tell with Banner, we imagine the next time we’ll see him Hulk-out is in The Avengers: Infinity War Part 1.

The Avengers’ find a new home

Near the end of the movie we see the New Avengers’ headquarters. A lot of things are happening, superheroes are leaving, but Cap and Black Widow are sticking around to beat the new guys and gals into shape. When Cap and Black Widow walk into the next room we see Rhodey in his War Machine suit, Sam Wilson as The Falcon, Scarlet Witch, and most importantly The Vision.

Seeing the New Avengers really shows how Marvel is planning on branching out, and we’re very interested to see where the MCU is headed. Joss specifically showed that these are the “New Avengers” by showing the text with the scene, so we imagine this is the group we’ll be seeing in the future.

Iron Man sets ‘Civil War’ in motion

We know that Cap and Iron Man will be at each other’s throats in Captain America: Civil War, but at the end of Age of Ultron we see Iron Man shaking his hand and leaving the team altogether. We imagine Stark isn’t going to like the way Cap is handling things once the government gets involved with the Avengers and they’ll have a few words with one another when Civil War hits theaters May 6, 2016.

It’s unclear how Marvel thinks fans will accept that Stark is going to keep leaving, as he’s signed up for Civil War and the two-part Avengers’ film, and we’re curious what the Russo brothers come up with when they look to direct Iron Man again in Infinity War Part 1 & 2.

Thanos is tired of waiting in his huge chair

The Avengers: Age of Ultron had a mid-credits scene, which showed the Infinity Gauntlet without any stones in it, but then we see Thanos come from behind and put his hand in the gauntlet. He says that he’ll do it himself, leading fans to believe he’s tired of waiting around for these mere mortals to acquire the stones for him, and now he’s going to get them himself.

This is going to get scary, because even without the stones he’s deadly, but once he has all six in Infinity War Part 1 & 2, it’s going to be one wild ride. Thanos may be the first time we’ll see a villain that has the power to wipe out the Avengers, and we desperately need a villain that fans will even think has a chance against Earth’s mightiest heroes. We look forward to seeing a time where Thanos finally matches up against Marvel’s superheroes.