Author Stasia Ward Kehoe chats with Allyson Valentine about sailing and nail art for her Sound of Letting Go Summer Tour.

Stasi Ward Kehoe has been traveling around the internet to talk about her latest novel The Sound of Letting Go. She shared an interview she did with Allyson Valentine that will put everyone in the mood to head to the beach.

From Stasia Ward Kehoe

I’ve just wrapped up a fabulous week at, during which I discussed what happens half a year after a novel is published, the writing process, my over-expressive eyebrows and other vital topics. Now, I’m thrilled to be taking my The Sound of Letting Go Summer Tour (click that, you know, ‘cuz there are giveaways) on a virtual summer road trip with some of the most talented, wonderful and hilarious writers I know.

Today, I’m soaking in Hypable’s virtual bloggy sunshine with the charming Allyson Valentine, author of How (NOT) to Find a Boyfriend (Philomel). Allyson is probably one of the strongest people I have ever met and also one of the smartest. A true lover of words and a writer’s writer. Read on and you’ll see…

SWK: Where have we set up our fantasy beach chairs?

ALLYSON: No chairs. We are sitting in the cockpit of a sailboat cruising to the San Juan islands. The sun is sparking off the water and the brisk breeze keeps us cool.

SWK: I am assuming you are piloting this boat because the one and only time I tried to sail, I managed to capsize the boat. Truth. But, on to more important things…What are we drinking?

ALLYSON: Sparkling water right now, but I believe there is someone down below mixing us a batch of gin and tonics.

SWK: Ahhh…gin and sailboats. What could be better? Still, if I know you, you’re fretting about something. Truth. What is writer-you doing to drain the joy from your summer?

ALLYSON: Accepting a writing contract I have no time for and continuing work on a novel that would rather lie on the beach than allow itself to be written.

SWK: (See how Allyson anthropomorphized a NOVEL just then AND worked it into our beachy motif? She’s a crazy-amazing wordsmith.) What puts joy back into your summer?

ALLYSON: Iced tea. Colorful toenails. Picnics and outdoor concerts.

Visit Allyson’s lovely website – – to find some amazing writing tips and more. Sadly, no pictures of colorful toenails but check this out!