To aid with everyone’s self-isolation woes, Audible has made hundreds of titles targeted at young people available for free.

“For as long as schools are closed, we’re open,” Audible announced on their new page, In this time where people are stuck at home and wondering what to do, Audible is making it easier than ever for young people to experience new stories.

The post goes on to say, “starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.”

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On the free platform, which doesn’t require a login or password, titles are sorted into both age groups and genres. Titles range from Jane Eyre, read by Thandie Newton, to Anne of Green Gables, read by Rachel McAdams, to Alice in Wonderland, read by Scarlett Johansson, and so many more.

Everyone is talking about the big movie premieres that are being postponed or moved to different platforms, but it’s important to note that the book industry is also taking a hit right now, with many book tours and conventions being cancelled. It’s great that Audible is making it easier for people to get reading (or at least listening) to so many exciting titles. Especially with many schools closing for the remainder of the school year.

Now the only hard part will be figuring out which book to listen to first!