The Veronica Mars movie fundraiser is showing no sign of slowing down. Having just surpassed the $3 million mark this afternoon, showrunner Rob Thomas announced several new rewards for donating at certain levels.

Those who pledge $750 can receive two tickets to the red carpet Veronica Mars movie premiere in New York City. In addition, you will receive a signed movie poster, the Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack, a digital version of the movie, a t-shirt, and a pdf of the shooting script. At press time, there are currently only 10 of these packages left.

In addition, new spots to be extras in the movie and a premiere in Austin have been added. The Kickstarter is open from now until April 12 at 11 p.m. ET, meaning there is still plenty of time to donate. We suspect that Thomas will continue to add rewards to continue seeing that budget go up. The more money they raise, the more they will be able to use for the production of the film. This means the quality of the film will only grow as the funds do.

The Veronica Mars Movie Project was launched on Kickstarter Monday and met its $2 million goal in 10 1/2 hours. Showing no signs of slowing down, the project could easily end up with $4 to $5 million total.

Have you donated to the project, or are you considering donating? Given all of the benefits that the team is throwing in, even at the $10 donation level, it seems like a great idea if you’re a Veronica Mars fan.

We discussed this impressive achievement on Hype episode three today.