Will season six be the last for the Doctor’s companions Amy and Rory? As the stars announce their plans for the future, it’s certainly looking like a possibility.

Arthur Darvill who plays Rory has revealed that he has signed on to play Mephistopheles in the Shakespeare’s Globe’s production of Doctor Faustus. The production is set to run from June 18th to October 2nd 2011, around the same time that filming on Doctor Who usually occurs. This would make it very difficult for Darvill to fit the season seven shooting schedule around this new role and has lead to some media outlets, including DoctorWhoTV, to speculate that season six will be the end of the line for the characters story arc.

Rory first appeared in Matt Smith’s debut episode as the Doctor, The Eleventh Hour and went on to marry fellow companion Amy Pond (Karen Gillan).

In a recent interview Karen Gillan, who plays Amy Pond has revealed that she will be starring in a new show on BBC Four called, We’ll Take Manhattan, as Jean Shrimpton. When asked about the show she explained, “When that script came along I was like, ‘This is perfect for the first thing that I do after I finish Doctor Who.'” Whilst far from conclusive, this has been taken by some fans to mean that she too will be leaving the show.

Of course the above is all just speculation at this point but what do you think about the possibility of Rory and Amy leaving the show?