KSiteTV has talked to some of the cast on a set visit and have been releasing the interviews over the past week leading up to last night’s premiere.

Stephen Arnell has this to say about his character:

“The biggest problem for Oliver so far hasn’t been any bad guys necessarily; it’s been his relationship with Thea and Moira, and Laurel to a lesser extent, but specifically his immediate family,” Stephen says, adding that we’ll see trouble with his sister off the bat and there will be more discussion immediately after the pilot. The problem will continue through at least the eighth episode, and by that point, Amell says “something is going to have to change,” whether it’s bringing them closer or giving up what he is doing as the Arrow. “The way things are going right now, it’s deteriorating the relationships in his family,” he says.

This indicates that the show will focus on the hero’s relationships and family much more than the comics did. Although many fans have already gathered that much from looking at the rest of the cast. Thea Queen, Oliver’s younger sister, is a character that was created by the new show. Oliver was an only child in the comics because both his parents died while he was very young. However, in the CW’s Arrow, mother Moira Queen is very much alive. You can read an interview with Susanna Thompson, the actress that portrays Moira.

Armell also says the show has its fair share of light moments, even though many TV ads and other media seem to portray it only as dark. He mentions what it’s like working with John Barrowman (Doctor Who, Torchwood), and that the show takes some interesting turns that will likely surprise viewers.

“If you come into the series with a certain expectation based on what you expect from this network, just in terms of tone and just in terms of subject matter and the way that we deal with it, I think you’ll be very surprised. Not to say that it’s better or that it’s worse. But we’re, I think, using interesting tactics and I think that whether you’re a television viewer that’s interested in interpersonal relationships or really kick-ass action, you’re gonna get what you’re looking for. The places that we’re trying to take this and the locations that we’re using and the unflinching nature of the storytelling technique is gonna surprise people”

KSite also talked with Katie Cassidy, who plays Dinah “Laurel” Lance and her character’s relationship with her father, Oliver, and Arrow.

Arrow airs on the CW on Wednesdays at 8 ET, followed by a new episode of Supernatural.