The CW has released photos from the Arrow season 5 premiere, titled “Legacy,” previewing a new masked man, Prometheus.

At the end of Arrow season 4, we saw Oliver being sworn in as interim mayor, Diggle re-enlisting in the military and Thea going on vacation. This just left Oliver and Felicity to continue Team Arrow’s work, though the pair did not get back together as a couple.

As season 5 picks up, we’ll be seeing a new masked man serve as Oliver’s foe: Prometheus. He features in the promo stills, which you can check out below:

These pictures seem to show both the present day as well as flashbacks, as we see Oliver apparently in Russia. He promised Taiana at the end of season 4 that he would tell her family of her death on Lian Yu.

In Russia, we see Oliver reuniting with Anatoly Knyazev, who he first met as a prisoner on Anthony Ivo’s ship in season 2. Anatoly is a Bratva leader, and we’ve seen in the present day that Oliver can speak Russian and is a Bratva captain.

We also see Thea in her Speedy costume, which means she must have decided to return to the team after doing some soul-searching at the end of the last season.

And, unsurprisingly, we find Oliver in the middle of a fight, meaning he continues to have his fair share of enemies both in and out of the Green Arrow costume (which we also see).

The synopsis for Arrow season 5 reads:

Newly appointed Mayor Oliver Queen finds himself challenged as he fights on two fronts for the future of Star City. With Diggle back in the military and Thea adamant about hanging up her hood as Speedy, Team Green Arrow is down to just Oliver and Felicity – but they’re no longer the only vigilantes in town. Green Arrow’s public defeat of Damien Darhk at the end of Season Four has inspired a new crop of masked heroes to step up and defend the city, though their painful inexperience makes them obstacles, rather than allies, in the field. The arrival of a deadly new adversary will force Oliver to confront questions about his own legacy, both as mayor and as the Green Arrow.

Arrow season 5 premieres Wednesday, October 5 at 8:00 p.m. ET on The CW.

Are you looking forward to ‘Arrow’ season 5?