We haven’t finished Arrow‘s fourth season yet, but we’re already getting casting news about season 5.

The first news about Arrow season 5 that we received, besides the fact that we would be getting a fifth season in the first place, was that Echo Kellum had been promoted to series regular, meaning plenty more Curtis Holt next season. Now TVLine is reporting that Arrow is casting another series regular.

This character is currently being called “James,” though that is most likely a pseudonym. James is being described as “irrepressibly charming” and “a man on a mission.” Like many characters on the show, James has a tragic loss in his past, and he’s looking for vengeance.

Moreover, James is “just as easily shake your hand as your best friend or break your neck as your worst enemy — and you never know which one is coming. Either way, he’s more than capable of having a good time as he does it.”

Physically, Arrow is looking for a physically imposing actor of any ethnicity in his late-20s to 30s. That doesn’t give us much insight, as it sounds like half the cast on Arrow already.

There is no news about whether this character will appear in the present day or in season 5’s flashbacks. Season 5’s flashbacks will most likely take place in Russia, as we have one season left until we catch up with Oliver in season 1 and we still need to find out how Oliver learned Russian and made Bratva connections.

Hit the comments with your theories on who “James” might be.

Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. ET on The CW.