Concept art for the Arrow Bunker, Team Arrow’s affectionately named new lair in season 4, has been released.

In the course of the unfolding drama at the end of season 3, Team Arrow’s lair underneath Verdant was lost to the group; the team was forced to meet at Palmer Technologies, but that is not a permanent solution.

Moreover, when Oliver and Felicity return to Starling City in season 4, Team Arrow will be larger than ever with Laurel, Thea and Diggle. The natural next step would be the creation of a new lair for the group, and that’s exactly what has happened.

So long, foundry. Hello, Arrow Bunker.

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“In designing the new lair, we had to think in terms of the much larger group that Oliver has now surrounded himself with and how Team Arrow is a much bigger enterprise,” explains executive producer Marc Guggenheim.

“One of the fun things about this lair is that as opposed to one big space, where everyone would congregate, it’s now a much larger space divided up into smaller spaces,” he continues. “There is an area for Felicity to work, there is an area for Oliver to work out, and there is a garage. There are many different places we’ll continue to discover over the course of the season that give you a sense that this thing is a bit bigger than we got used to in the first three years.”

See the concept art below:

Arrow season 4 premieres Wednesday, October 7 at 8:00 p.m. ET on The CW.

What do you think of the new Arrow Bunker concept art?