Arrow actress Caity Lotz discusses tonight’s “Birds of Prey” episode as well as what’s in store for her character.

Lotz was introduced this season as Sara Lance, Laurel’s younger sister who supposedly died on The Queen’s Gambit. However, when it was revealed she had, in fact, survived, a complicated history with Oliver and The League of Assassins came to light. Now the Black Canary, Sara has become an integral part of Team Arrow. Lotz recently spoke with IGN about her butt-kicking character.

Canary meets Huntress

Tonight’s episode, “Birds of Prey,” sees the meeting of Black Canary and Huntress, as Huntress returns to Starling for revenge. In the process, she ends up threatening Laurel, pulling Canary into the mix.

Huntress, according to Lotz, will be completely new to Sara. “She’s never heard of her, so she has to get filled in on who this mystery woman everyone keeps talking about is.” Huntress, of course, had a brief fling with Oliver that helped shaped her vigilante identity.

But Sara won’t be jealous of their history. “I think in terms of Oliver, she’s not really a jealous girl,” Lotz says. Rather, “Sara is a little amused by the whole situation, because she also doesn’t feel very challenged. She’s a strong chick, so she’s not really worried about this other girl.”

At least until her sister is threatened, that is. “Then, all of a sudden, everything changes. It’s a big entrance when [Canary and Huntress] get together. It’s got a nice little bang to it.”

And with Canary and Laurel in such close proximity, Sara has to make sure to protect her identity from her sister. “Even though she’s doing good things now, sometimes she still feels like Canary’s kind of an assassin,” Lotz explains.

“She joined the League of Assassins, not Heroes. She doesn’t feel like a hero. So she definitely doesn’t want Laurel to know that side of her, because she feels like it’s a lot of darkness and something unlovable.”

As for the potential future of the Birds of Prey, which in the comics has Canary and Huntress as allies, Lotz sees the potential. “Who knows, maybe they both could turn out to be bad,” she laughs. “You never know. The Huntress is also kind of a redeemable character. We’ll see what this episode will bring for her.”

Team Arrow dynamics

In terms of Sara’s place in the larger Team Arrow dynamic, Lotz foresees some difficulties. “Sara’s kind of a lone wolf,” she says.

“Working in a team is I think going to be a little bit difficult for her. She also kind of has a leader personality, and Oliver is very much the leader of that group. That is not going to change.”

Due to her training as an elite assassin, “Sara’s used to doing things her own way, and she has a little bit of a different way of doing things than Oliver does,” making it “a challenge for her to fit into the pack.” But there will also be “some good parts of it too,” Lotz says.

“There’ll be some fun moments that you get from not having to work alone all the time.”

As for the initially fragile relationship between Sara and Felicity, Lotz sees it strengthening. “They both really like each other,” she says. “She’s smart, she’s fun, she’s innocent, but she’s still strong, and I think Sara’s really attracted to her, even on a friendship level.

“I think Felicity admires Sara too in the way that Sara admires Felicity,” she adds. “Hopefully there will be some good stuff there, especially now that they’ve gotten through some of the drama.”

Arrow season 2, episode 17, “Birds of Prey,” airs tonight at 8:00 p.m. ET on The CW.