I landed in New York on the Wednesday prior to New York Comic Con with a plan: To make my second annual Arrow premiere viewing with fellow Hypable staffer Karen Rought a little… different.

The first time I watched Arrow live with Karen was almost a year-ago-to-the-day, sat on our rather spacious hotel bed with our cakes from Carlo’s Bakery, unaware of the emotional turmoil we were about to suffer. We’re still convinced that our neighbors likely thought someone was getting murdered in our room. They wouldn’t have been far wrong.

After a quick change into some Arrow-adjacent attire — Hawkeye is close enough, right? — Karen and I embarked on our Lord of the Rings-esque walking adventure from our hotel to Professor Thom’s, despite Karen’s protests that we should take the subway.

A little walking never hurt anyone right?


We barely made it half way from our hotel on Times Square to Professor Thom’s before I conceded defeat and finally listened to Karen. With Karen putting her newfound subway navigational skills to use, we ducked into the nearest station and made it to our destination in no time at all.

She wouldn’t let me live it down for the rest of the weekend.

And just where had I taken Karen to watch Arrow’s season 4 premiere? None other than Team Arrow NYC’s Sincerious Premiere Viewing Party, an off-site New York Super Week event, with the aim of raising money for Hope and Heroes.

Nicole Herring greeted us at the door with a friendly face and unadulterated excitement for what was to come over the next couple of hours. Nicole’s organization, Altruistic Events, was the brains behind the viewing party, and it strives to match the passion of the fandom community with philanthropic fundraising. As the loft was already packed with people eagerly awaiting the premiere, and enjoying all the themed goodies that had been laid out, I’d say she’s on the right track!

After a short chat with Nicole, Karen and I were directed over to a table set up near the balcony, where local bakery Sweet Tooth Pastries had put out a spread of complementary cookies. There was a cookie available for every kind of Arrow fan — from the logo, to arrow heads, to Olicity. We couldn’t resist taking one each (and maybe sneaking another into our bag as a pick-me-up for later. Who knows when you might need a sugar boost after crying out your Arrow emotions. We’d learned after last year!)

We made it! Thanks for the awesome cookies, @TeamArrowNYC! #Arrow #ArrowCW

A photo posted by Donya (@virtualdon) on

They were delicious, in case you were wondering.

Also set up on this table were some raffle items that had been kindly donated to help raise money for charity, and also some mini-prints of the wonderfully talented Lord Mesa’s art available to purchase. The raffle items were also suitably Arrow themed — up for grabs were a pair of archery lessons, a Team Arrow NYC t-shirt, and some cool fanart prints. They also had some items that were going to be put up for auction, including an Arrow season 2.5 comic signed by Stephen Amell himself and an exclusive Skype session with newest cast member Echo Kellum, who is playing Mr. Terrific. Not too shabby!

Karen bought some tickets for the chance to win a shirt, and then it was off to the bar. What can I say? We were a little parched after I dragged us halfway across New York (or what felt like it, anyway). Lucky for us, they’d also provided a selection of Arrow themed cocktails at the bar. This night was shaping up to be better by the minute.

With an “Olicity” and “Green Arrow” in hand, we found ourselves a spot to settle in and watch the episode — which was fast approaching. Were we emotionally ready for the show’s return? Probably not, but the liquor would sort that out and fast.

There’s something to be said about experiencing an episode of one of your favorite shows with other like-minded fans. Each twist-and-turn of the plot is heightened by the echo of gasps around you, you can’t help but “aww” along with everyone when there are some adorably sweet relationship moments, and the jokes land that little bit harder when you have someone to laugh with.

If you ever have the chance to meet up with other fans in an environment like this, I’d highly recommend it. It just adds a little something more to the episode when you can share that joy with others.

But there was something that little bit sweeter knowing that though we’d all gathered together to support and show our love for Arrow, we’d also done it to give back to a cause close to “Oliver Queen’s” heart.

Every single item donated to the event sold, thanks to Jeff from That ADHD Show, who managed to drum up bids from every corner of the room. But which item brought in the most cash for the cause? Well, that’d be the Skype session with Echo Kellum, and now that we’ve met him on the show I’d be willing to bet that that particular fan is doubly happy at their winning bid!

All in all, the fans raised a generous amount for Hope and Heroes, and had fun doing so, but we’ll leave it to Team Arrow NYC themselves to tell you exactly how much money was made from the event…

I’m sure if Karen and I find ourselves back in New York for next year’s Comic Con, and Arrow just coincidentally happens to premiere at the same time, we’ll end up repeating the experience. If only for another one of those “Green Arrow” cocktails, they were delicious.

Did you attend a premiere party for ‘Arrow’ season 4? Let us know how it went!