Arrow 7×08 “Unmasked” revealed the identity of the new Green Arrow. But just who is this person?

“Unmasked” opened with an Oliver Queen-esque training montage, except the central figure was a woman (Sea Shimooka). After the training montage, she suited up in the new Green Arrow costume. The best hint at her identity came as the episode closed, however; the woman kneeled at a grave speaking to her late father…

Who is revealed to be Robert Queen. That’s right: the new Green Arrow seems to be Oliver’s half-sister.

But just who is she?

Emiko Queen

Emiko Queen is a fairly new character in the DC comics. She first appeared in May 2013’s Green Arrow #5 vol. 18. She is the daughter of Robert Queen and Shado, and she was born on Starfish Island (the comics’ version of Lian Yu). However, when she was a baby, she was kidnapped by Robert Queen’s former business partner-turned-enemy, Simon Lacroix, aka Komodo.

Lacroix raised Emiko as his own daughter and trained her in combat and archery with the Outsiders’ Arrow Clan. In fact, she is believed to be an even better archer than Oliver himself.

The first time she and Oliver met, they were enemies because of her loyalty to Lacroix. But when she learned the truth of her parentage, Emiko murdered Lacroix and sided with her half-brother. A teenager in the comics, Emiko and Oliver often butt heads, but she now operates in Seattle as the new Red Arrow alongside Oliver.

It’s clear Arrow has taken some liberties with Emiko’s story. For one thing, she is much older than the Emiko of the comics. It also seems unlikely she will be the child of Robert and Shado, as Oliver was the one to have romantic ties to Shado on the show.

However, it should not come as a surprise that Oliver has a half-sibling he is unaware of, considering Robert’s lack of fidelity to Moira has been established. (Moira, as we recall, had an affair with Malcolm Merlyn, which conceived Thea.)

Interestingly, Emiko’s introduction may provide some hints about the direction of the second half of season 7, as one of Emiko’s stories ties into the Longbow Hunters: Outsiders’ War.

Outsiders’ War

The Outsiders, in this telling, are a secret society of clans led by a warrior and based on a weapon, such as Arrow, Sword, Spear, Axe, Fist, Shield and Mask. Each clan also has an ancient totem that supposedly grants enlightenment and immortality.

The Queens were the leaders of the Arrow clan — and Robert Queen spent many years searching for the Arrow totem which, curiously, is also known as the Green Arrow — but Lacroix viewed himself as the rightful ruler of the clan. Kidnapping Emiko and raising her was part of his plot to gain control of the Arrow Clan.

Other Outsiders’ clan leaders include Katana (Sword Clan), Onyx (Fist Clan) and Kodiak (Shield Clan). And yes, Kodiak is one of the members of the Longbow Hunters who remain a threat on Arrow; in fact, “Unmasked” saw Lyla and Diggle turning to the incarcerated Ricardo Diaz for help in taking on the Longbow Hunters.

It seems likely that the back half of Arrow season 7 will be drawing on the Outsiders’ War storyline from the comics, though clearly with its own twists.

Arrow airs Mondays at 8:00 p.m. ET on The CW.