After seven Bluth-less years the wait is finally over, and Hypable is here to help you celebrate Arrested Development’s season 4 with a sugar rush. Trust us: this party is gonna be off the hook.

… just like it was on the show:

So grab your Cloudmir vodka tonic and/or juice box of choice! But go easy on yourself – you don’t want to make a huge mistake.

A massive thank you to Camden Remington for creating the Arrested Development Drinking Game image, and using his design skills to be a true Mr. Manager. The Facebook-friendly image for the Arrested Development Drinking Game can be found here.

Arrested Development will premiere all 15 episodes of season 4 on May 26 through Netflix’s monthly Internet streaming service. Be sure to check out the epic trailer for season 4.

Though much of Arrested Development’s season 4 is cloaked in mystery, one thing we can be sure of is that the Bluth’s will be back to their old, selfish shenanigans. We haven’t seen them in seven years, but we can rest assured that they are still the same hot mess of a family that we have come to love. And though each of the Arrested Development season 4 Netflix episodes will focus on an individual member of the Bluth family, like always, Michael Bluth will be at the heart of every episode stringing everyone together.

What are you most excited to see in ‘Arrested Development’s’ new season?

Hit the comments with your own Arrested Development drinking game rules!