Arrested Development season 4 leader Mitch Hurwitz is responding to the critcism left by fans and journalists following the May 26 release of all 15 episodes.

“I wasn’t taken aback at all,” said Hurwitz to TV Guide when asked if he was surprised by how critics responded to the season.

Many were negative about season 4 because of its differences from seasons one through three which aired on Fox from 2003 to 2006. “I wrote a tweet that I immediately thought, well, if I had a couple more characters, I would have used the word ‘some critics.’ I was surprised at that first review. We got off to a bad start with that bad review. Most have been positive. And all criticism is valid. Like anybody, I’d like to have 100 percent love all the time. But it’s not realistic. I’m so flattered and grateful that so many people have found it and are so outspoken in their support of it. It wouldn’t be interesting for me or the cast to make another episode like we used to. That was the joy of this.”

Hurwitz added that while developing the season, he was motivated by the fact that many would watch all 15 episodes back to back. “Early on, I remember thinking, fans are looking so forward to this and after 15 episodes it’s going to be over for them. That’s what motivated me to keep layering and layering. The audience may watch it once, and like it or dislike it. Or they may want to watch it a lot and have fun digging out all of the subtext and connections. It seemed like fun to use the new medium as something people can play with. Like an Arrested Development toy.”

He also responded to critcism over Portia de Rossi’s look as Lindsay Bluth. Some speculated that her change in appearance was due to a facelift, but Hurwitz chalked the changes up to the amount of time that has passed as well as becoming a vegetarian. “I’ve read a couple things that people thought she looked different. It’s been 10 years since the pilot, and I think she’s a vegan now and that really changes your whole body type.”

He added that any digs at Lindsay’s appearance in Arrested Development season 4 aren’t related to the actresses’ real appearance. “It was absolutely not meant to be a joke at Portia’s expense. It was at Lindsay’s expense. She doesn’t look different to me. I’ve seen her over the years. I think she looks so beautiful. I had such a schoolgirl crush on her. One of the reasons Portia looked different is because we had to put a wig on her. And it looked bad. I asked, ‘Why does this wig look like this?’ And the hair person said, ‘Oh, it’s too small.’ Oh for God’s sake. I think if I wore a wig I’d look different.”

Thanks, TV Guide.