A (supposed) first image of Amy Adams as Lois Lane in Man of Steel has landed online, and – hold the presses! – she looks like Amy Adams…With an iPad.

Originally debuting via Desde Hollywood, the image is quite literally just Amy Adams holding an iPad, in what is presumably the Daily Planet. It looks like they’re trying to show a more modern revamp of the newspaper by giving her an iPad. Although why it’s in black and white, we have no idea.

Before we go on, here’s the image from Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel:

Click the image to view it in full size

Something about this picture doesn’t seem quite right, particularly the black and white. Whether it’s real or not, seems to be the pertinent question. Obviously the film wasn’t shot in black and white (it is a Zack Snyder blockbuster, after all), so when asking why the image is in black and white, to hide a shoddily done photoshop job seems to be at the top of the list.

That said, it’s totally plausible there’s some other reason and it’s totally real. The new Superman film stars Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman, as he goes up against the villainous General Zod (Michael Shannon). Check out the official synopsis below:

In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time. Clark Kent/Kal-El (Cavill) is a young twentysomething journalist who feels alienated by powers beyond anyone’s imagination. Transported to Earth years ago from Krypton, an advanced alien planet, Clark struggles with the ultimate question – Why am I here? Shaped by the values of his adoptive parents Martha (Lane) and Jonathan Kent (Costner), Clark soon discovers that having super abilities means making very difficult decisions. But when the world needs stability the most, it comes under attack. Will his abilities be used to maintain peace or ultimately used to divide and conquer? Clark must become the hero known as “Superman,” not only to shine as the world’s last beacon of hope but to protect the ones he loves.

Man of Steel will hit theaters June 14, 2013.

Do you think this ‘Man of Steel’ image is real?