American Horror Story creator Ryan Murphy reveals the year that season 4 will take place in! Read below to find out where audiences will be taken next season.

What do the Korean War, the construction of the hydrogen bomb, and American Horror Story have in common? Well, a bit of a spoiler over at Entertainment Weekly reveals that American Horror Story season 4 will take place in the year 1950.

Ryan Murphy and company have already set two seasons in contemporary times, opting to have season 2 test the waters of a period drama in a 1960s asylum. After modernizing witches descended from Salem and resurrected horrors of the late 1700s, American Horror Story will focus on an unnamed event in the 1950s.

Season 4 will be Jessica Lange’s last season on the FX hit, and Ryan Murphy hints further in the excerpt that Lange is “already working on her German accent.” Can you imagine it?!

Speculating ideas for the next season is almost as exciting for viewers of American Horror Story as the episodes that are fresh each week. In the weeks leading up to Asylum‘s finale, rumors about Salem ran rampant across the internet. This season’s speculation has focused on a particularly well-made fan art depicting a circus act. The circus theme does provide an endless plethora of creepiness to choose from, but where would the German factor in?

Taking a look at 1950:

•President Harry S. Truman orders the construction of the hydrogen bomb.

•The Red Scare begins to sweep across America

•The Rosenberg Trial prepares to begin in 1951

But perhaps, staying away from major, broad events, Ryan Murphy decides to stick closer to home. Perhaps even in the entertainment business itself? Marlene Dietrich, German-born movie star, would have been 51, a perfect age for Jessica Lange to take the role of. To quote Sherlock Holmes, “I’ll leave you to your deductions.”

But we still have plenty to focus on! Tonight’s episode brings with it the return of LaLaurie and the start of the battle plan to protect the Coven from the Delphi Trust witch hunters.

Watch American Horror Story: Coven episode 11, “Protect the Coven,” tonight, January 15 at 10 p.m. ET on FX.

What do you think ‘American Horror Story’ will tackle next?