Because apparently this is the week to put your famous home on the market, the American Horror Story mansion is now on sale in L.A. But there are two questions: How will this affect filming of the new FX series… and do any of the ghosts come with the house?

One thing’s for sure: we definitely could not stand to live in that house, gorgeous as it may be, after watching all the horrors unfold on AHS! (Yes we can separate fiction from reality, but it’s still just a little too spooky.)

But as it turns out, the mansion, located at 1120 Westchester Place in L.A., is no longer the setting for the series, THR reports

Connie Britton, who plays Vivien, revealed in an interview earlier this year that while the pilot was filmed was on location, the following episodes were shot on an exact replica.

“That house is the most amazing thing. It is a location. We shot the entire pilot in that house in Los Angeles,” Britton says. “To shoot the series, they have actually built sets that are exact replicas. … When we’re on the set, it feels like we’re in that house, to the point where on the set you know if you run up the stairs to the second floor, it kind of ends. It sort of just ends into nothingness, like you could actually eventually walk off of a platform.”

We do learn some interesting details about the house from the listing: “The six-bedroom, five-bath abode covers 10,440 sq. feet and rests on a lot that is nearly 30,000 sq. ft.” Not a bad set-up! (Plus the Tiffany glass and vintage fireplaces are real… and there’s a ballroom/chapel/recording studio.)

So what do you think? Could you ever live in the Horror Story home? Or would you be more comfortable in the iconic Breakfast at Tiffany’s loft?