American Horror Story: Freak Show is not lacking when it comes to big names on the bill this fall. Watch behind the scenes footage and get to know two of the new comers, Mat Fraser and Rose Siggins.

Bates, Lange, Bassett, Chikilis, and introducing Fraser and Siggins. Mat Fraser will appear along side the American Horror Story cast portraying the man known as the Paul the Illustrated Seal. Rose Siggins plays “Legless Suzi,” a woman who lost her legs when she was two years old, same as Rose.

The difference between Kathy Bates’ bearded lady and Fraser and Siggins’ characters is that at the end of a long day, Bates takes off her wig and beard, while Fraser and Siggins go about their lives with their disabilities. Choosing to see them as far more of an advantage than a hinderance, the two found their place among Ryan Murphy’s production. Fraser eloquently explains that after years of questioning, he has come to understand that “Freak means a radically different person entertaining on stage with their radical difference.”

In two interviews released by FX, Fraser and Siggins take you inside their lives and explain what the Freak Show trade means to them as “extra-ordinary” performers and regular people.

Related:Watch the opening title sequence for AHS: Freak Show

Meet Mat Fraser

Fraser’s handsome face and endearing personality are sure to steal some screen time. In the behind the scenes shots from the set, you see glimpses of Pepper and Elsa’s “Cabinet of Curiosities.” An actor for almost 20 years, Fraser did research on freak shows and even performed on Coney Island. He says his time there taught him a great deal about the “power and control of the body on stage.”

Fraser describes the show as “one of the most awesome things ever to hit television.”

Related:American Horror Story: Freak Show official full trailer is here

Meet Rose Siggins

Mother of two healthy children, Rose says that having kids is great for reaching things on high shelves. All joking aside, Rose and Suzi do not share many of the traits that viewers will see on screen this fall. Suzi, unemployable and alone, clings to the freak show to have some sense of family. The group of eclectic personalities, both on and off camera, spend an extraordinary amount of time together, giving Rose a taste of the surrogate family life Suzi sought in Elsa’s band of characters.

Get to know Suzi, Paul, and the rest of the characters when the show premieres next week!

Watch American Horror Story: Freak Show Wednesday, October 8 at 10:00 p.m. ET on FX.

Who are you looking forward to meeting on ‘American Horror Story’ this season?