American Horror Story: Freak Show saw two characters go down new career paths in last night’s episode. Watch the full performance of “Criminal” and see what lies ahead for Dandy.

Last night’s American Horror Story saw two very different auditions. First up, Bette and Dot Tattler took turns figuring out their act for the show. When it turns that’s Bette’s desire for the spotlight does not vibe with her singing voice, Dot is able to pull the weight of the routine.

Full Performance of ‘Criminal’

Dandy: The Apprentice

Meanwhile, poor Dandy is simply too bored to function. His first plea to become a part of the freak show under Elsa’s rule turns out to be a dead end. But luckily, his mother has a tendency to bring home terrifying clowns for his amusement.

In an recent interview, Finn Wittrock opened up about his role as the “kid who never grew up.” His tendencies to rip apart small animals behind sheds will be revealed to be rooted in some childhood trauma. But what about his ambition to seek fulfillment outside the shadow of his mother?

Wittrock describes Gloria’s parenting saying, “She’s spoiled him all his life, basically giving him whatever he wanted because she was scared of what he could do. She learned at a young age that he had some pathological tendencies.”

Dandy knows that he will never find the outlet for what is bottling inside him under his mother’s watchful eye. “He just knows that he’s a freak inside and hopes that Jimmy (played by Evan Peters) can see that. Part of the message of the show is that Dandy is the biggest freak, although he looks the most normal.”

Even with the world served on a silver platter, Dandy finds the life he desires in an unlikely role model. Wittrock comments, “He becomes very enamored by the clown [Twisty] and becomes his acolyte. The clown basically becomes his role model for life. He wants to be him. And he might succeed to a degree.” That may explain this:

As for his role model, played by John Carroll Lynch, “You’ll find in episode 4 that there is a human side to the clown. We will learn his backstory, and we’ll actually see a sort of humanity in him. But Wittrock cautions, “That won’t cease to make him the scariest character on television, but I think you’ll understand how he got that way.”

Watch American Horror Story: Freak Show episode 3, “Edward Mondrake (Part 1) Wednesday, October 22 at 10:00 p.m. ET on FX.