FX has released a second teaser trailer for American Horror Story: Coven featuring a real life voodoo doll.

The creative folks at FX released a short teaser entitled “Pins & Needles” with the sub-line “Because ‘pinning’ on the internet is all the rage …”

The video opens up with soft music as it slowly reveals a women pinned by long needles. The manner in which the needles poke through her makes us think she symbolizes a victim of voodoo. The way her arms are tied behind her back could also refer to the slaves that will be victimized this season by Kathy Bate’s character Madame LaLurie.

The cast revealed that Bates would play LaLurie, a historical character known for torturing her slaves.

Recently, American Horror Story creator Ryan Murphy spoke with Vulture that the main plot point of Coven is a centuries-long feud between witches from Salem that relocated to New Orleans and the voodoo witches that grew up there.

Murphy explained, “The witches of Salem, the smart ones, got out very early and they were none of the ones who were burned. They all gravitated toward New Orleans, where they now live, and every generation has a great witch who has the most powers of them all, and that’s called the Supreme. Ms. Jessica Lange is the Supreme.”

What do you think of the second teaser for ‘American Horror Story: Coven’?

Photo credit: FX