American Horror Story: Coven stills from the finale are here! But what exactly do they reveal about the Seven Wonders? See them below!

The final chapter in American Horror Story: Coven airs this Wednesday and the ladies are preparing to prove they are the next Supreme. The stills from this week’s episode feature the witches clad in traditional black. The severity of the color must be mandatory for the occasion, seeing as Myrtle Snow is not wearing one of her colorful silks.

‘Seven Wonders’ stills:

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The fantastic trio, Fiona Goode, Delphine LaLaurie, and Marie Lavaeu, took their final bow on last week’s incredible episode. Without the leader of the Coven in play anymore, the search for a Supreme becomes a matter of the utmost importance. Cordelia, with the assistance of Myrtle Snow, take charge of setting up the sacred trials of their lineage for the week ahead.

The Seven Wonders are as follows: Telekinesis, Concilium, Transmutation, Divination, Vitalum Vitalis, Descensum, and Pyrokinesis. After successfully proving the ability to accomplish all seven, a new Supreme will take her place as the head of the Coven. So far this season, each witch shows strengths in multiple areas.

The pool of possible candidates is down to: Queenie, Zoe, Misty, and Madison.

Since American Horror Story resets the story with each new season, episode 13 will be the last time viewers will visit Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies. Next season, audiences will leave the Bayou and head to an unknown location.

Creator Ryan Murphy revealed the 1950s time period for the fourth season of the show, but the details are still under wraps. Lead actress, Jessica Lange, will exit the show after next season and word on the street is that she is working on her German accent for her finale role.

Watch American Horror Story: Coven season 3, episode 13, “Seven Wonders,” Wednesday, January 29 at 10 p.m. on FX

What have been your favorite moments from ‘American Horror Story: Coven?’