American Horror Story: Coven season 3, episode 8 “The Sacred Taking” airs tonight at 10 p.m. EST on FX. Catch up by watching a promo and find out where to catch the episode online.

On tonight’s episode of American Horror Story: Coven, Fiona will continue her search to find the next supreme in hopes of saving herself. But Cordelia and the girls may have already beaten her to it and plan to preform a ritual called The Sacred Taking to speed up the new supreme’s ascension to power. First, they have to trick Fiona into a selfless suicide.

Meanwhile Marie Laveau will take her vengeance against Madame LaLaurie. And Queenie will decide where her loyalties lie, with the coven or with the voodoo witches. The coven will also be confronted with a new danger!

The synopsis for ‘American Horror Story: Coven’ season 3, episode 8 ‘The Sacred Taking’ is:

“Cordelia rallies the girls in the fight to stop Fiona; a dangerous new enemy puts Misty in the cross hairs; the rivalry between Marie Laveau and Delphine comes to a head.”

The stills for ‘American Horror Story: Coven’ season 3, episode 8 ‘The Sacred Taking’ show the young coven members pulling together:

[scrollGallery id=1557 autoScroll=false thumbsdown=true]

Watch the promo for the episode below:

Where to watch ‘American Horror Story: Coven’ season 3, episode 8 ‘The Sacred Taking’ online:

There currently isn’t a legal way to watch American Horror Story episodes online. However, one option is to set your DVR or watch the episode OnDemand through your cable provider. They’re usually OnDemand the following day of the premiere date

Will you be watching ‘American Horror Story: Coven’ season 3, episode 8 ‘The Sacred Taking’ tonight?

Photo credit: Michele K. Short/FX