American Horror Story: Coven season 3, episode 6 “The Axeman Cometh” airs tonight at 10 p.m. EST on FX. Catch up by watching a promo and find out where to catch the episode online.

On tonight’s episode of American Horror Story: Coven the girls decide to ban together to protect themselves. In order to try and find the missing Madison they use a spirit board. But when they make contact with the Axeman, Queenie fears his release stops the contact. But Zoe will stop at nothing to find her friend and makes a dangerous deal with the dark spirit.

The synopsis for ‘American Horror Story: Coven’ season 3, episode 6 ‘The Axeman Cometh’:

“Zoe, Queenie, and Nan make contact with a dark spirit trapped in the Academy. Cordelia’s new power brings on a heartbreaking revelation.”

Stills for ‘American Horror Story: Coven’ season 3, episode 6 ‘The Axeman Cometh’ show Madison’s return:

[scrollGallery id=1514 autoScroll=false thumbsdown=true]

Watch a promo for the episode below:

Where to watch ‘American Horror Story: Coven’ season 3, episode 6 ‘The Axeman Cometh’ online:

There currently isn’t a legal way to watch American Horror Story episodes online. However, one option is to set your DVR or watch the episode OnDemand through your cable provider. They’re usually OnDemand the following day of the premiere date

Will you be watching ‘American Horror Story: Coven’ episode 6 ‘The Axeman Cometh’ live tonight?

Photo credit: Michele K. Short/FX