American Horror Story: Coven returns tonight with musical guest, Stevie Nicks! But what could Nicks have to do with the witches of the Coven? Read on to preview the episode!

American Horror Story: Coven episode 10, “The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks” airs tonight on FX. Ryan Murphy is known for having a hand in multiple projects at once, but tonight it appears that a bit of his musical passion makes its way to the Coven. Guest star, Steve Nicks, makes her first cameo appearance tonight and as the title suggests, it will be nothing short of magical.

Last night a clip from the upcoming episode shows Stevie Nicks teaching super-fan Misty Day the infamous shawl-twirl.

Music aside, there are a few other people viewers will need to keep in mind tonight. At the close of the last chapter, Queenie sustained serious injuries before ultimately killing Hank with her voodoo powers. Is she still alive?

Marie Laveau lost everything after Hank tore through her shop on a mission to take down a different branch of magic in New Orleans. Will Fiona and the rest of the Coven welcome her into their home? More importantly, how will the Coven respond to the news that a traitor lived among them for so long?

Joan, risen from the dead and seemingly grateful for the chance to sit by her son’s side, made a very ungodly choice to smother Luke in the hospital bed. Let’s hope the body is still floating around the morgue for the ladies to revive for Nan!

The search is still on for the new supreme and everyone seems to believe they possess the talent to do the job. While Misty Day is the front runner currently, will she ever be able to recover from her meeting with Stevie Nicks?

Watch American Horror Story: Coven episode 10, “The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks” tonight at 10 p.m. ET on FX

Are you excited to see Stevie Nicks on ‘American Horror Story: Coven’?